Can be viewed through
Many lenses such as
Success talent
Behaviour and mannerisms
But output is a very much sought after commodity
You've heard of phrases such as keeping up appearances
Dressing to impress
Output can be seen as being channels led through us but lay in the domain of the other
It is true that some people live through others and off people's approval
But that is not all that output deals with
Some of us are like the sun we will shine even if nobody is watching
Which is the byproduct affect
And another side shining for yourself the other side of the byproduct affect
Many artists have been like that reserving their best works for themselves
And with turning our gaze on the other it draws out certain qualities in others
Such as jealous envy covetousness
Alienation worship and parasitical tendencies
We live in a time where there are many who want the goals without the graft
The shortcut method
You may even get flattery as via mimicry
Which is something we need to address