Unweighted flight
We have talents dreams
And possibilites
But we may not address this
Where you may see a bird 🐦 in the sky
And decry I want to fly
The action without thought to what enables that action
Do you want to fail more times than you succeed
Will you continue to try even when others don't believe that you can achieve
Even if you get no support will you be driven to realise your goal
Will failure deter you or spur you
Are you willing to learn from others mistakes
When you can fly will you teach others
Did you even learn from your journey
We have talents dreams
And possibilites
But we may not address this
Where you may see a bird 🐦 in the sky
And decry I want to fly
The action without thought to what enables that action
Do you want to fail more times than you succeed
Will you continue to try even when others don't believe that you can achieve
Even if you get no support will you be driven to realise your goal
Will failure deter you or spur you
Are you willing to learn from others mistakes
When you can fly will you teach others
Did you even learn from your journey