Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Unweighted flight

Unweighted flight

We have talents dreams
And possibilites
But we may not address this
Where you may see a bird 🐦 in the sky
And decry I want to fly
The action without thought to what enables that action
Do you want to fail more times than you succeed
Will you continue to try even when others don't believe that you can achieve
Even if you get no support will you be driven to realise your goal
Will failure deter you or spur you
Are you willing to learn from others mistakes
When you can fly will you teach others
Did you even learn from your journey

💦If you don't sweat you don't get

💦 If you don't sweat you don't get

When you work for something
You are following the direct link of cause and effect
So appreciation and gratitude is in abundance
But when you divorce cause from effect at either sides you have problems

Not being able to reap the benefits of your work
Which invalidates your autonomy and devalues your self-identity
Or you get causes devoid of their origin
Gluttony and lack of appreciation is then found in abundance
You may receive that which you don't deserve

With this effect driven society we live in
You start to see imbalances
Body issues
Problems with appreciation and gratitude
Lack of a work ethic
Also a lack of boundaries
Lack of patience

For example if you knew something was rare and was laborious to make and to acquire
You wouldn't mistreat such an item
You also wouldn't get addicted to it
Since it is a luxury item

With our society
We have the skilled and the acquirers of the work of the skilled

Where the person who has 💯 boats is seen to be richer than the person who can make 100 boats
Where the acquiring of amazing works of art is seen as on a par as being able to create them

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Speed gauge

Speed gauge

Distance over time
What is speed without the gauge

What is the gauge that we can judge life with
Is there only one

Can we have personal
Cultural and collective

This had got me thinking
Can you really tell how far you've gone if you don't look back

There we then have then have the markers of others to see how far we've gone or sometimes how far we are moving
Like when you are running 🏃🏾
When you look to the side and see trees and people becoming a blur you know you are in movement
Because speed can't be divorced from movement
Also speed gives weight to movement

So speed can be a gauge for movement
For example the 100m sprint in the olympics
Is a very fast event all the in this case men run 🏃🏾 100m in lest than 11-10 seconds
Judged next to usain bolt they are slow but if you judge them next to most supporters in the crowd they are superhuman

This brings me to who or what do we gauge ourselves against
Because via perspective every lost can be a win
Such as the participation trophy 🏆
You could forgive any of the other athletes for thinking they are slow if they only gauge themselves against the best