Friday, 26 May 2017

Regretted reflections

Find your place in the world is a journey many of us are on
We may know complicitly that we are not for our own best interests but the interests of our demons and the whims of our lower selves
But the limits we put on ourselves that is our choice and we shouldn't be mad since we've made our choice even inaction is a choice
Such as the choice to hate and not to ask for help or use them to inspire us

That's why some of us avoid mirrors
Lies are just that lies
They aren't the truth
A Wolf ๐Ÿบis a wolf even if it's in sheeps clothing
We are what we do
If we are great ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ
Where is the evidence of such
Where is that in our reflection

Why have regret
Why have a secret that will immobilise you if brought into the light

We are who we are
We must learn to love ourselves
But truly love ourselves
Not via the misfortunes of others or the malaise that we meander past which we can draw vigour from its well to replenish our lust for life

We are all creators but we must work on the craft of creating
Because sometimes we look back at our creation and we don't see the identicality of the image it was drawn from
Living in the shadows of the ideas we think we resemble
Claims to fame being nothing but the clawing onto the end product of others endeavours

May we have the strength
To not need others to lend us theirs
May we have the strength to have the stamina to assemble the will power and self drive to resemble the us we want to be

May we have the strength to refuse the excuse and disuse the procrastination