Friday, 4 August 2017

I'm only a humanist

I'm only a humanist

We've been sold
A dream
From which we are not to awake from
To aim to save everyone but ourselves

I must always sacrifice
My nourishment
My security
My sense of self
For the good of the tribe

A tribe which doesn't have my well being or my good
on their agendas
(You can check
I'll be waiting)
That their continual biting of hands that feed them should be a badge of valor
Even if because of such actions
You can't bring that same hand to feed yourself
The hunger pangs of the righteous

But If I ought to contort myself to alleviate the ailments of the other
As an act of that that is human
What does it make those that I hand healing to

Inhuman as their situation
What is my goal with these acts
Is it to awaken their humanity
Or to be an evangelist to the euphoria of being imbued with the essence of humanity

Raising backsliders in this Sisyphean cycle
Tasting the elusive

To the point where
These humanitarians of hope
Are themselves powerless to up lift
the help-challenged

What use can be found in the throw away pieces of currency
Less than 1% of your income
Aiming to be empowered by the people who are circumstantially north of your position
Who use your predicament as motivators to their mediocrity

At least I don't have your existence
At least I don't

I'll complain about a job I don't like
But will never quit
Because I don't have the tools for anything but this
To work harder for someone else than I'll ever work for myself
To never get a pat on my back
A tip of the hat 🎩
Lucky that they only want me to sell my hours for the right not to be homeless
They could demand I stand on one leg for an hour
Or be defloured and devoured
Because money is
money is

Can what you do be separated from who you are

Can what you do
what you are
be separated

This theme has been wrestled with by all of us

We could calculate that what you are is the summation of what you do

Which gets us into a grey area in regards to potentiality
And fame

Such as if you claim you are a singer we will believe you can sing and will seek proof

Which is why in this area of sensory deprivation and sensory overload we can be fooled by moving images
Sometimes we enjoy this in regards to the film industry
But then we have photoshop which we may not universally like

We are in an age where we are splintering reality
Think about actors and actresses nowadays they have to if the plot calls for it act with imaginary people and scenery
We could just put that down to an actors/actresses job
But here is the kicker
They can act in a production and not know how the finish article may look
They can see themselves on screen talking to a dragon
All well knowing dragons don't exist and that what they are seeing and what they remember seeing are in two different realities

I previously gave an explanation but here is another one
Couldn't doing be but the physical will plus manifestation of the being

If we look it at in its purest form

Getting back to the acting
We know how someone may represent themselves on screen via a character
That representation is probably not them if definitely not them

In someways many of us toe this line daily

You may work at a job aka doing a profession
That you believe is not you aka being

But is that but a mental divorce especially if you are giving up your time
and energy
especially if this continues for years

I think this is a question we need to grapple with

It has overarching consequence
Like the nature of existence
The righteousness in retribution
How important is the mind
Conscious and subconscious


Actors don't let their characters get paid instead of them
Imagine if they paid voice actors with currency they drew for the animated film

Renaissance people

Renaissance people

Jack of all trades you may have been knighted

People of tomorrow in the world of today
Outside of rules and regulations
In a world not yet accommodating
We must make our own accommodations

Because in a world of boxes where do rivers fit in
What's a renaissance person you might be asking
It could be simply
a person who is not simply defined

We are seeing more of these hybrids
Such as actors that are
Writer as well as

Or producers that are also
CEO of a record label

At the same time

But for many they either won't see them as a die (dice)
but rather as the number you can see at that time

Or that's just for the creative or the performing arts

Where do the mere mortals or the less economically salient individuals

Fit into this narrative

I think first
by introspective ways as always but always
Acceptance of others as well as ourselves
Then we have cultivation
Resisting the urge to live through others
Not having the drivers of change that is inside of us being spent paying attention to the accolades or activities of others
To the detriment of your own
Then we have promotion
Of either lifestyle or business
Creating spaces where talents can be displayed or be at home
Also the reduction of limitations
That success or expression is only for others
Lastly we can't be afraid to fail or to be ridiculed

As with all change there needs to be a removal of the old

Pigeon holed potential

Pigeoned held in the purgatory of potential

That's where I am now
No rope
No ladder
just a slope
Unfazed if it impedes my progress or will it lead me to regress

Whilst being
In quote
But blessed is not perfect
So it won't assuage my hunger
Or massage my soul
Since I don't hold what I consider to be my fruits of success

I've laurels to rest on
So do us all
But do we all have that thing
You know that thing
That can rise us from any low
That goal
That showcases our shimmer of supremacy over mediocrity
Over unadulterated odds that could of destroyed us

I can see the top of the mountain face I am climbing
Which is meant to be reassuring but it is also taunting
Because you've never done something until you have done it
So being in it shadow can be spun into a web
We use to congratulate ourselves
But I refuse
I refuse
To have my successes be assigned
Gauged against the failings of my contemporaries

Boasting betterment over others inadequacies
Pointing fingers at others to obscure attention from the goals I could achieve
So I am in the shade of my ambition

How does one exist in this state
The state often forgotten
The state you are not prepped for
Who preps for the pangs of hunger
For the dry mouth
Whilst seeking sustenance
A place you will rarely revisit or ever be within it clutches