Monday, 25 September 2017

Wholesome reflections from murky surfaces

There is a tug o war inside of us
Perpetrated by our wants and desires
With regard to ourselves and the external forces we come into contact with

It is how we deal with the exertion put upon us that evidently defines us

The quest for normalcy of or that

The quest for normalcy of
Is a quest with neon lights and guided tours that many choose
The safety in numbers is the guarantee of a superficial sense of belonging
A welcome mat that only requires you to contort yourself into the style of the day

What is so interesting about it
Is that the many who choose this proposed pain free path
Claim and declare their uniqueness
They will concoct soliloquies to their proposed difference whilst assembled in the assorted attire of sameness

These inner yearnings to the allure of something with depth
Something with contrast

But not too much contrast
Where superficiality will even steer their reflection

But do the dreamers and people of tomorrow
Really want to outskirt dwelling outcasts or do they perhaps

Want the normalcy that they have a reflection also
They can dwell in other abodes and also can have homes in which they can find sanctum and warmth

Until then
Imagination will have to be sanctum and self reflector