Friday, 29 November 2013

intel please

intelligence is something that has come into mind and or conversation
either judging or adjudging

but what is intelligence

and to be intelligent

and does everyone have it

and intelligence or the percept of it

is the difference
and can be the barriers we intentionally or potentially or tentionally
put up

many of us would clam we all have intelligence
so whats the issue
perhaps it is the degrees of it
for example being sketchy in a subject or well versed in one
or what some people genuinely see as intelligence

as being a polymath
or otherwise known as the leonardo da vinci

or jack of all trades
and this really counts as intelligence

or intelligence
counts as the accessibility
to depositories of information

for example
i have met some people
throughout my existence
and via lazy deciphering
you could box a person
but it was their slowness to access their archives of knowledge
mistaken for having a lack of knowledge

for though shakespeare
said the world is a stage
many people shy away from lead roles
or have only been backroom staff
and now they must
take like a duck to water when thrust under the spot light

and many equate intelligence
with iq
making it the be all end all of any subsequent
but many think of iq or the conscious as such

and with the case of savants their conscious iq maybe extremely small
but their under the surface intelligence is through the roof

which bring us to the case is the argument for conscious or unconscious
or a merger
for some may now argue what good is below the surface intelligence if you cannot always access it

which i would answer we must find ways to tap into it

these are just some thoughts i had on intelligence

and this is the gap we must cross if we dream of change
for the gap between our conscious to our unconscious
is equivalent to the gap between
said polymaths and the non practicing or the un tapped

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