Saturday, 19 November 2016


The rebirth

That which can be harder than the initial birth
But you can get up and walking in half the time
So there is a silver lining ;)

Those who love knowledge
Will frequent such passageways
That rebirth can start to feel normal
Just another set of forms to fill in

When you think you've reached a level
You can find that there is a level beneath that
One just in your blind spot
One invisible except in the right light

We are in an age where rebirth can be brought upon
 suddenly and remedied just as quick
You can be willed into activism and then dismayed from it

This is where my rebirth has met me
It has met me at the precipice of endlessness
It has arrived at the junction of potential harnessing

Rebirth is dangerous
That is where the fear lies for many
Where failed transformations can conjure humiliation
And can be the
 Excuse that can be used to shackle
gravity defying creatures
To view their wings as appendage appendicitis
Eventually to ache with arthritis

But is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight

I've made my dreams
Dream dreams of the scenes of I've been in
Vividness I wasn't granted knowledge of access

But is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight

My face is as overgrown as the wilderness
I have trudged through
A tactile reminder of the sky I saw

So is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight

If we guard our memories they can last forever
And these legs we crawl on
We can once again call on to take us to the heights
From which we saw the sky


The rebirth

That which can be harder than the initial birth
But you can get up and walking in half the time
So there is a silver lining ;)

Those who love knowledge
Will frequent such passageways
That rebirth can start to feel normal
Just another set of forms to fill in

When you think you've reached a level
You can find that there is a level beneath that
One just in your blind spot
One invisible except in the right light

We are in an age where rebirth can be brought upon
 suddenly and remedied just as quick
You can be willed into activism and then dismayed from it

This is where my rebirth has met me
It has met me at the precipice of endlessness
It has arrived at the junction of potential harnessing

Rebirth is dangerous
That is where the fear lies for many
Where failed transformations can conjure humiliation
And can be the
 Excuse that can be used to shackle
gravity defying creatures
To view their wings as appendage appendicitis
Eventually to ache with arthritis

But is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight

I've made my dreams
Dream dreams of the scenes of I've been in
Vividness I wasn't granted knowledge of access

But is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight

My face is as overgrown as the wilderness
I have trudged through
A tactile reminder of the sky I saw

So is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight

If we guard our memories they can last forever
And these legs we crawl on
We can once again call on to take us to the heights
From which we saw the sky

Monday, 8 February 2016



Can be viewed through 
Many lenses such as 
Success talent
Behaviour and mannerisms
But output is a very much sought after commodity 

You've heard of phrases such as keeping up appearances 
Dressing to impress

Output can be seen as being channels led through us but lay in the domain of the other 

It is true that some people live through others and off people's approval 

But that is not all that output deals with 
Some of us are like the sun we will shine even if nobody is watching 

Which is the byproduct affect 
And another side shining for yourself the other side of the byproduct affect 

Many artists have been like that reserving their best works for themselves 

And with turning our gaze on the other it draws out certain qualities in others 
Such as jealous envy covetousness 
Alienation worship and parasitical tendencies 

We live in a time where there are many who want the goals without the graft 
The shortcut method 
You may even get flattery as via mimicry 

Which is something we need to address 



Can be viewed through 
Many lenses such as 
Success talent
Behaviour and mannerisms
But output is a very much sought after commodity 

You've heard of phrases such as keeping up appearances 
Dressing to impress

Output can be seen as being channels led through us but lay in the domain of the other 

It is true that some people live through others and off people's approval 

But that is not all that output deals with 
Some of us are like the sun we will shine even if nobody is watching 

Which is the byproduct affect 
And another side shining for yourself the other side of the byproduct affect 

Many artists have been like that reserving their best works for themselves 

And with turning our gaze on the other it draws out certain qualities in others 
Such as jealous envy covetousness 
Alienation worship and parasitical tendencies 

We live in a time where there are many who want the goals without the graft 
The shortcut method 
You may even get flattery as via mimicry 

Which is something we need to address 



Can be viewed through 
Many lenses such as 
Success talent
Behaviour and mannerisms
But output is a very much sought after commodity 

You've heard of phrases such as keeping up appearances 
Dressing to impress

Output can be seen as being channels led through us but lay in the domain of the other 

It is true that some people live through others and off people's approval 

But that is not all that output deals with 
Some of us are like the sun we will shine even if nobody is watching 

Which is the byproduct affect 
And another side shining for yourself the other side of the byproduct affect 

Many artists have been like that reserving their best works for themselves 

And with turning our gaze on the other it draws out certain qualities in others 
Such as jealous envy covetousness 
Alienation worship and parasitical tendencies 

We live in a time where there are many who want the goals without the graft 
The shortcut method 
You may even get flattery as via mimicry 

Which is something we need to address 

Thursday, 4 February 2016

It could be better

Does it follow that I could be better if I know I could be worse 
What's the point in clean if it will end up in dirt
I've thrown daffodils at tankers
Am I keeping my head above water but weighed down with an anchor 
That I can't take off 
What is the point of birds who can't take off
I may never have eyes 
at works that have tumbled out of my mind that can begin to live outside of my wildest dreams 
Writers who write for themselves to woo over one could word it as such 
But it could be worse it could be an itch unable to be quenched but multiplied that eats the host alive from the inside to its end let's not pretend 
We serve no ends 
And that 
we are not the made up of different pens that patented mascara after constructing plays 
How can I refrain from being attached when it is the other that is latched upon ever strong 
What would you then proceed to fill in the words of my song
Have you ever tried to get clothed within a windowless room criminally lacking In reflective surfaces 
What purchases could make worthlessness become purpose 
Can you tell me
Does the merchant only take plastic might have to pay for a bag to help me transport its irregular packaging 

I guess it could be better we could have forever or it could be worse in that forever 
doesnt have a form that I could lust after 
and help me spiral into debt and debilitating affairs to purchase forever for forever 



Do we need it and if so why 

There has been much talk about the oscars and one thing to come out of it was the word recognition 

But what is recognition 
Some would say is the acknowledgment of your work or efforts 
Not to touch too much on the oscars is that to a degree via not being nominated many artists or actors were acknowledged 
Or some have argued that by having that job in the first place they have be acknowledged 

But this is where linguistic gymnastics can provide arguments for and against by choosing which side to be displayed 
But with the inevitable comment of maybe no person was good enough to be nominated 

The question of bring acknowledged in that way is one to be addressed like in our lives 
Do we need others eyes to legitimise the efforts of our lives 
Are we performers of art or art to be performed
Does my own acceptance lack validation and conviction

Is it that perhaps the leniency of my validation of my moments of attention should be perhaps more scarce so there wouldn't be so many source I would be looking to yield the responses I have shared 
Or that I have been guided into believing that I have been practicing reciprocation 
Championing rights of others who won't even raise their inaudible voice in my defence 

We all have seen beauty crushed by the lesser by mediocrity by why is this possible 

From now my recognition is that of existence 
I will not need words or actions of palms colliding to be the deciding of what I am what I have done 

Did I achieve my goals 
did I 
or not
Whether weaker eyes can visualise what am I 
No other self will be the evidence of what I am or have done or what I have felt

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Paperweights to door stoppers

Many of us have paperweights in our lives
Things we do to keep from being overwhelmed and possibly from feeling like cogs inside of a bigger machines 

But can we change paperweights into door stoppers 
Because paperweights don't really add to our lives in the long run 
They just keep us from being blown away 
But is that always a good thing 
Is it a short term measure being constantly being implemented 

Such as watching videos on YouTube 
It can be a paperweight of wasting time and having cheap thrills 

Or it can be a economical tool or a medium for knowledge 
Since you can find a number of free classes
And diy videos

Same as with surfing the web 
Watching tv series

Some of this down to our thoughts on a topic   I will go deeper into this topic in another post 

Free time can become someonelses paid time 
Why not yours 
The same tool can do many functions it just depends on the hand 

Knives can be used to put spread on bread or used to stab and end lives

The hand itself can be used to caress 
To curse 
To calm 
To abuse 
To kill for example strangulation 

So perhaps this year we can turn out paperweights into door stops
To not allow ourselves to be shut off from a wider world
Either of information or opportunity 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Have a sec for tech

I just saw this advert for what I heard about awhile back 
Useful for the Japanese Olympics
But supposedly it will be with us much earlier 

A lot of people have complained about the direction the advert took 
But I am not 
For me it is one of those borderline techs

It could be useful but could be useless 

We must think 

Why create a translation device in the first place 
And we already have translation devices
Aka our brains
And for a product supposedly about helping people connect it didn't show that in the ad
Because a translator is not for connecting its for demands wants and whims 

When you learn a language you learn the history
The concepts
And contextualisation of what at first are foreign sounds
How good you are in the language is down to your determination 

I've always said tech without soul is a dangerous thing 
The advert clearly shows who this product is for
With the fondness due to their level in the language for an infantile relationship

It also brushed over its actual functions 
Like does it need wifi 
How much battery power does it have 
How many languages is it linked with
How good is its voice recognition 
Is it google translate but portable 
Also it alluded to but brushed off the other important part of active language 
The listening part 
The big fail of guidebooks in the past 

What's the point of asking questions if you don't know what answer to expect and cannot understand the answer anyway

Also can it hear a multitude of voices 

Then there is the question of how it will be used 
Can it block out offensive words 

Imagine a bunch of drunk uncultured fools who are too lazy ignorant and many other things shout obscenities but you don't know what they are saying so you ignore it but now
now with this device and whereas before you know what they are saying 

You didn't ask for this 
True this could happen without the translator but those other people are either natives or will know enough of the language to understand your discontent 

Also can it interpret computer voices such as the other device wearers 

Would it change ungrammatical sentences and make them understood 
Can it only understand people talking in their first language 
Would it further alienate journey goers into an easier distinction of tourist and traveler 

How wouldn't that device with the mechanical voice not make you are target for theives and such

Also another facet to this device is 
Will it change the world 
Could it 

Would it 

It could change certain professions or professional spaces 
Such as airports with airport staff given these devices 
Or the police for foolish tourists

Another thing it didn't allude to was the price 
How much would it cost and is it waterproof and is it made of durable stuff 

Will it affect other professions such as teaching will it stop students wanting to learn and government funding 

Will they be banned in certain areas outside of tourist zones
Will there be as I said before targeting of people with the device for their property of their presence 
Which will defeat the purpose of a translation device 

My verdict is no it won't have such a far reaching impact but the gimmick has some bigger issues and goals behind it 
Such as skipping journeys for goals 
It could be the start of the building of bridges 
It could get us to think about language and culture and if they can exist without one another 
Also do we want that world
Is it or could it be the first step in diminishing the idea of a global language and usher in wearable tech 

Could it bred a new kind of traveller and travel experience a new kind of network 

But what people must not forget 

If you are for this is that you don't have language knowledge only mimcry of such but you can just turn off the device when you no longer wish to be understood 


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Point pinching

Point pinching 

Is something we should avoid
What is point pinching

Its like awarding yourself the seventh place trophy 
It is normally coupled with the phrase 
At least 

Why would or should we align ourselves with least
not quite best 
Higher ups amongst the rest

If you have a goal you have a goal
and you will be a certain position in relation to such
Dont congratulate yourself on at least starting 
Or at least having a goal 
Because others dont

Other than it being a waste of time it also
it is also a distraction to your growth
Imagine Muhammad Ali in his prime 
sparring with babies and obviously winning and adding it to his professional wins score
You would think it ludicrous

Counting miles under one hundred on a 100,000 mile trip 
Would make others question your focus 
And possibly illegitimise for others your efforts 

Its easy to do when you maybe dont get support from others 
Or you see others providing stats and achievements 
But we shouldn't judge ourselves by other's standards 
Especially if they are in different fields 

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Real friends pt 1

Real friends 
 The new ye song 
That's come along at the right time

Real friends how many of us have em
How many of us are em

This is something glaring obvious when you are realigning sights 
Climbing heights 
Performing feats and enduring human gruelling hikes

How many real friends do we have
They say you can count them on one hand

But by that logic that means there are some fake friends masquerading as real friends 

Whether that is us or not

How many call you and ask you how are you doing 

For me that never happens 
I don't even get comments on these posts

How many times have we heard I was just thinking of you

The thing is with fakery
Is that we all have time 
We either give it away cheaply or expensively
And pleasures are always accounted for 

Busy is thrown around a lot but 
How many of us are really busy 
Where we too busy to eat or go to the lavatory 
No we are not 
But we can be sped up and so we prioritise people in our eyes

We see people everyday but the question of validity is who they turn out to be 
And if we could interchange them 
Or make time for others 

Then there is the fact as you are growing 
Others dont want to be in your shadow 
Oak trees to dandelions

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Precocious perspective

Jealousy and for most people it is synonymous with

But is it so
For me jealousy is pettiness and your feeble projection of the world

Whereas envy is at the first the notice of other which can devolve into petty jealousy

Jealousy is for the weak minded or spirited and you will regularly meet or hear from people with this disease when you are a searcher of truth and a person 
who desires more and possibly for 

perfectionists also but please note perfectionism is a complex subject for another day

Especially in this month the month of resolutions and proposed new beginnings we see the open emergence of jealousy and envy

Where as one is immediately damaging the other has a great potential when harnessed

I have never been a jealous person begrudging others success or good fortune even when I might be the opposite 

But i have been envious
For me envy is noticing the object before the subject
For example a jealous person would possibly focus and direct their petty and low vibrational energy at a person they believe are winning in life 

But envy would focus on the aspect which is the object 
The winning in life or a holiday
Instead of being interested in being the person who is really irrelevant to your growth but can be the beacon or a lighthouse to your goals

But one focuses on ignoring and brushing over your failings 
And one can be used to address them 

For example
So you haven't been on holiday for awhile 
And someone else has 
Enviously you want what they have 
So why not go and get it 

But you have to address why you don't have what you could see 
Also to be jealous and judging someone without a window into there life is misguided 
Do you want to go through what they have
If you are jealous you know the answer 

Monday, 4 January 2016

Real eyes to realise

Real eyes part 1

With the festive period 
Bringing people together and also coming to a close

We are put in to a close proximity with others
The other 
The us directly or the us if certain choices were made differently

But it also puts our face to the glass 
The tape measure to the triple jump

It is the time of year to easily see gains and losses
But it is also a time where you can begin to realise

There are things in life that we make it others make taboo
Or we just overlook them
But as a lover of knowledge 
In a sea of people who aren't can create 
You may lose respect for people who are jealous of your growth or you may notice the overlooked things that they do

We all know when climbing a mountain the people we start with may not be the people we end up with

Feliz ano novo

A new year
A return to the norm for many 
Or a time of rewinding clocks
Remembering and trying to avoid the realisation that you cannot step into the same river twice

A new year which is begun internationally 
Like any other year has a bit of irony to it
And the inebriated 
But outside of the same year different numerical addings 

Wonder is what I always assign to this reassemble phase we are annually forced to endure
I wonder outside of the old and that which will be maintained 
What actual new stuff will be gained

Will this time 

Cough next year Cough

be visually identical to this or the previous intervals 
Will we get developments that immediately strike you of change 

Also when will the Feliz or the happy disappear to just new year and then
until it's inevitably just year 

But aside from other people where will you or I be
The cogs in the machine 
The vessels for dream be or what will we achieve