The rebirth
That which can be harder than the initial birth
But you can get up and walking in half the time
So there is a silver lining ;)
Those who love knowledge
Will frequent such passageways
That rebirth can start to feel normal
Just another set of forms to fill in
When you think you've reached a level
You can find that there is a level beneath that
One just in your blind spot
One invisible except in the right light
We are in an age where rebirth can be brought upon
suddenly and remedied just as quick
You can be willed into activism and then dismayed from it
This is where my rebirth has met me
It has met me at the precipice of endlessness
It has arrived at the junction of potential harnessing
Rebirth is dangerous
That is where the fear lies for many
Where failed transformations can conjure humiliation
And can be the
Excuse that can be used to shackle
gravity defying creatures
To view their wings as appendage appendicitis
Eventually to ache with arthritis
But is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight
I've made my dreams
Dream dreams of the scenes of I've been in
Vividness I wasn't granted knowledge of access
But is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight
My face is as overgrown as the wilderness
I have trudged through
A tactile reminder of the sky I saw
So is it worth to see the sky
If you might fall and need to crawl
For a fortnight
If we guard our memories they can last forever
And these legs we crawl on
We can once again call on to take us to the heights
From which we saw the sky
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