i recently went to see <<< this guy
some of you may know him
and overall leading up to the performance was a weird
i had previously witness the

and was thoroughly entertained aswell as amazed
and was touched by the lead entertainers openness and down to earth manner
and we were in dialogue for over an hour
actually up until his next performance
and with the modest background overlooking the thames
and a audience made up of anyone who was intrigued and by people others had conversed with and
were persuaded to join in with the crowd
but what got to me about this encounter was the humility
and i went away thinking they should not be doing their act on the mere meanderings of pathways in london
but should be instead somersaulting in venues catering to an audience quintupled in size
and then i went to see

and it was the weirdest atmosphere
before the show we met this duo who where of the same thought village us music taste wise
and we even delayed entering the auditorium to converse and seemingly clarify we were like minds
but when i got inside the auditorium i saw people who did not represent me
who were not on the same wavelength
and were anti the artist and anti the message
but had paid for their tickets
and as the warming up acts performed and saw movement reminiscent of petrified bark i thought possibly the headline act was perhaps the time they would cast of the robe of the anti reason and show signs of like mindedness
but in the limbo for the main act
i saw many buying beers numerous times
not clapping or joining in with the usual
when i say....
you say...
and after ceremoniously getting up for the arrival for the main act
it seemed he himself saw
the patches of anti reason
and promptly told them to get out
which no one did
and i stood there thinking why were they here
it would be like an anti two chains fan such as i paying to go to one of his concerts
not know any songs
where apparel anti towards what he is about
and after giving me a pass to leave
ignoring that
but this is when the slap to the face or should i say slaps happened
immortal technique repeatedly
asked begged reminded pleaded
^^^choose any of those adjectives
for people not to go home straight but meet him on a certain floor to get their stuff signed
insinuating also a chance to converse
so characteristically their was a rush for the exit
and then slaps of what the dickens
were being handed out

yes it was rick james esque
it was a perfect stew of irony
because technique previously said that music aka hip hop
has a way of bringing people together of all different creeds
which was true but the questionable bit of together
was where the statement unraveled before my eyes
i am not advocating a certain dress stance
but if you went to see michael jackson you would expect a lot of white gloves and white socks
and what would you say if you saw droves of people with prince shirts on
you would think they were lost
or if you were at the emirates in the home section and you are wearing a man utd kit with rvp name and number on it
you would expect minimum a few jeers and harassment
so why was i seeing people in shirts and ties drinking beer
or in low cut tops and high heels
going to see a guy raising his fist in the air asking you to scream revolucion
but wait the slaps to the grill aint finished
now we are in the sign up line which was unorganized beyond unorganized
yet people still got paid for organizing this line
not that i am advocating people lose their livelihood
but i am not saying pay deductions should of been on order
but hey they are thinking tech fans
supposedly people looking to change the world and fight against injustice
would not be pushing in queues
and giving poor rhetoric about why they did so
and surprised when people speak up
yes it is london
but technique just said go out their and if you see any injustice speak up about it
so people took that on board
but what the foolishness has not finished
a guy jumps under the non existent barrier
claiming people are his cousins

exactly that face^^^
and then he proceeded to go all bane at this guy

in zero to sixty
but to the weediest guy there
tut tut
and it got quelled but i was so disassociated with the whole signing thing if i were not so close to the front i would of went home
i did forgo
taking a picture of me in front of a guy sitting down with sun glasses on
and so after this bane moment
where he literally wanted to this to the weed guy

the guy was clearly watching rocky instead of the concert
entertaining but a mood dampener
for i was thinking if i exposed you as a guy going to fight the weediest guy out of all the people who stood up to you
got to the front to technique who was much bigger than you
what would you say to him
would you go all stan like
oh i am your biggest fan
i know all your songs
though i have missed your message completely sign this
and do not worry do not get up i can maneuver my body to take a picture with you not looking in the camera with your dark shades on
even though you could be a impersonator but hey
so i was like i am not here for the same reason as most of these people
and 9 times out of 10 if the chance came around again
bam that experience i would bypass the chance to hear songs i could play on my phone
to be threatened in directly by bane wannabes and help pay your wages
but it is not even finished
i got to the front
and i spoke to him asked him to sign my cap
and was like would like you to read my book
dd not ask what it was about
he just goes send it to the email
i asked about verification he just said hit me up and hurried me up
dam if i had a rewind button i would of so undid him signing my hat
and actually going to the show but yeah i am ovi not going to email him
i felt low enough asking for a signature like putting another person above me
but the worst thing is that he asked all of us to go there
what for some nonchalant divaesque signing
and this is not the first time i had met a so called revolutionary
or revolutionary for capital though i am anti capital artist before
probably will not be the last
and like last time it has really put me off listening to their music
i know people are human imperfect fallible
but it just seemed like a persona
revolutionary on stage anti revolutionary off of it
and you could say u are reading into this too much
but when a person says i will die for the people
and claims to be a free thinker
and is supposedly a spokesperson for you but can not give you time
or lies regarding their actions
it is no different a racist in a interracial relationship
and i felt i had to scrub myself from the hypocrisy
which shows you should be your own spokesman
but the craziest thing is
that prior to this i could of met one of these anti reason people
and they could of retorted i went to see immortal tech
and i could of been inspired by that and i could of gave them props
and been foolishly aligned in thinking they are on my wavelength
but this may seem weird but it would just be materialistic actions
for going to so and so concert
or having their book
is not going to get you points not with me anyways
it is about your lifestyle
that is the very reason i do not put adverts on this blog
but prior to that i had a totally different experience
but meeting an actor on a web series from bwng or brothers with no game
and i was so surprised to see him
i only quickly caught a glimpse of him
and some how it was right

yes i have super facial recognition
since i was on a bridge and he was going under
i asked him to wait
ok i kinda told him to
and he actually did
he took some pictures and actually asked me about myself and my hobbies
contrast to yeah yeah hurry along
and he happened to be into the philosophy and was open to reading my works
contrast to send it to this email address
not personalised to me....
but that is only a first impression
but it got me to think back to the ghanaian dancers
with me thinking they should be in venues
that may actually kill what makes them such a great group
the humility
the sense of no barriers between art and viewer
and it was some lessons for me
if i became a big shot intellectual giant
call me ig
but yeah if i became a big shot ig
would i reverse my status
and start
putting ads here and there
would i not invest in my free blog
well if i ever start getting comments would i just ignore them
or reply....
food for thought and what would you have done or do
1 would you have beat up bane
2 would you of cussed out immortal technique
3 demand a refund because of the anti reason
4 would of just left straight after the performance or earlier
5 cross out the signature
6 remember not to lose yourself