this is are a harder question then appears
for it our out goings are not staged sitcoms or scenes of films or novella adaptations
in theory
so we struggle to fit the people we are acquaint with onto a side
friend or foe
and you have heard of this saying
but is that really the case
what happens to neutrals
and the shades of gray
or are we like just get in the box^^^
potentially someone not for you can be swayed against you
and it is not always as easy as evil timeline goatees
to know someone is not for us
or it could be less dramatic and finding out who is friend and who is an acquaintance
we have all been guilty of just fast tracking someone into our inner sanctum just because
they may like our favourite colour
they are the same quotation marks gender
or other flimsy similarities
that bonds are not made in petri dishes and nor are friendships
but the strangest of all twist is when one finds out the friend maybe the foe
in that respect and your foe is your friend
not the same but similar kind of thing happened in suisei no gargantia
that ^^ the hideauze
the enemy of mankind
the one supposedly which was the basis of humans going into space
was a lie
and these mindless beast below any need of remorse or secondary thought
where modified humans
who had genetically engineered their bodies to adapt to the ice-age coming to earth and possibly the perils of space
say what
and how images can be deceiving
this is why we need discernment
and why we must be unrelenting in our quest for the truth and to be able to nobly wear the the cape
of the truth seeker
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