i came across this on tumblr
and got me thinking about logic
for though the answers to the question are labelled creative
they are not technically wrong
they are just not answers the questioner was looking for
but the thing with language and it use and misuse
that is what influenced wittgenstein
and why some people prefer mathematics
but what would become of poets
wittgenstein also felt that many of the problems philosophy or philosophers were grappling with
was just a matter of somersaulting semantics
but the question is what happens when rigidity comes up against fleeting freedom
for some a blank page is nether realm
all buttoned up is akin to a straight jacket
which blew me away
and it goes into the rational
between the hideauze and humans
quick fact hideauze were humans who used advanced science to alter their bodies
to adapt to the aquatic domain to survive the ice age earth was going to go through
where as the humans used science to build themselves a space colony to venture out into space and return in the possible future
and without going to much into the story we get into the part that blew me away
since the main character guy with the silver hair
is a soldier trained to kill the hideauze without prejudice
finds out their from the human family
albeit with tinkered genetics
he comes to doubt himself and needs to reestablish his position
the machine you see in the pic above^^^
deduces that their is no reason to reestablish himself his goal is the same the protection of humanity
without going into the whole thing what is humanity......
and that humanity if they were equipped with strong versatile bodies like the genetically tinkered one
it would not have been necessary to develop machines like the one in dialoguing to him currently
he then states that he is the crystallization of humanities intelligence
two it ready and equipped for space travel
thats right
body stasis oxygen storage
three has healing functions
four ai is smarter than 80% of people
since it translated a language it had never come across before within a day
providing floating led screens for the pilot to read in his native tongue
life wifi on roids
five incredible offensive capabilities
six incredibly durable
seven has auto pilot
to just name a few
he goes on to say he is there to offset the fragile body mankind has
create civilizations and develop their intellect
and that this civilization is what separates mankind from the other primates
but the hideauze
had thrown away their human forms and now have no physical limits
well episode one we did see them flying up in space
chamber goes on to say that if living beings only seek out happiness and gratification
it is not necessary for them to have higher intellect
but the human race relies solely on machines like chamber
and that the hideauze by overcoming the intellect have reached an extreme state of existence
and now he battles for the dignity of the human race
and that with something that shares the same building blocks as you faliure means extinction
and that one seeks out civilization and the other abandons it
and that the battle is between two different survival strategies
which questions us what would we do in that situation
flee earth
or evolve in a sense adapt and change
to or from
it also ties in with a recent song by lupe fiasco animal pharm
where one of the most poignant lyrics from the song does it make me better because i have thumbs
for some people argue based on this
that why humans are better because of their thumbs
we have seen through examples
the clashes of opposites
but some will say must their be a dominant must their be looming threats of extinction
can there be coexistence
but some will say their is no such thing as coexistence
it is just breather in between the war for dominance
for would it be right for a human to say i am better than you hideauze
or ant or any other random animal i am better than you because of my thumbs and because of my civilization
the hideauze could say i am better than you because of my durable body or because i can fly or run fast and that i have no need for civilization
but you could not live in nature like i
and in closing one could say dominance creates war
for if one took the saying my way or the highway to heart
and one coveted everwhere there would be no highway so one would have to fight to have an area of their own
or on the other hand if one coveted everywhere and you have your own place and they invaded war would ensue
so could one argue that war is tantrum in between peace time
^^ here is the link to the gargantia bit
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