Tuesday, 30 July 2013

housing who

for most humans
their is a relationship between house and human

where most of us can not picture a severing of that relationship or the ideology

for some it is a simple matter of fact in their mind like
bees and beehives or bears and caves

and with some sections of science preaching humans were once in caves
and for some except batman
would not go back to a cave

so what happens when a human is severed from their house
they become homeless

and for some worthless but that is just a matter of opinion or is it

and we have seen this seen many times from movies to real life

and you ponder why are they homeless but you also say i never want to be homeless

and now their are many charities preying off of the homeless and some helping them
to gain money

which brought me to a special question
why do people not invite the homeless to stay with them

then it happened i was put in a position to shelter a homeless guy
and i did so

the maxim do unto others as you would have them do unto you
was prevalent in my thoughts

and as with anything there is a honeymoon period
and then the true face is shown after missed glimpses

and in a manner of speaking i became homeless

for the once safe haven
had been breached
and i had to seek for my solace elsewhere

and your routine from ending up overboard with the person you just pulled from overboard
was becoming in jeopardy

imagine the irony save someone from being homeless then join them
and then i found myself going over and beyond
the call of duty

and what you do not factor in
is that outside of their predicament
they are a person
and their persona
maybe the very reason why they are where the are
along with other factors

and then i found myself in another maxim give a man a fish and he eats for a day
teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime

but by my actions i was feeding not teaching

and i was to and fro whilst they were nonchalant ungrateful and grumbling

remembering what my uncle told me that he never buys food for the homeless
instead he would take them to the job centre
and that was the lesson i learnt

with me thinking i was helping i was not i was aiding

and what blinded me was the maxim of how you would like to be treated
and the fact that it was only a mirage of myself  inside this person

and that their is homeless and there is hopeless
and i could become homeless
but i forbid to become hopeless and bite the hand that feeds me

is homelessness a problem because humans are = to homes
or because the architecture of our cities is only geared for housing residence

whereas in nature you could wash in a river
their is no openly applicable or safe rivers

and in closing i was discussing with the homeless person about being strategic
and they replied who does this

and i was brought to reality
that that this was no victim he was a perpetrator of his situation

which runs with certain eu people coming here earning the language on the way
and not prepared or ready for their surroundings

but now i know why people do not take the homeless into their homes

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