Tuesday, 6 August 2013

teckies beware

technology is everywhere

its in our homes our cars our pockets

some people think life was like this without technology

some of us like this now with technology

did you know this was technology

but like the caption below

and that got me thinking during a recent episode
of avengers assemble

iron man

all things technological well he is a guy who flies in an metallic suit to go toe to toe with mythical gods and aliens

then we have
captain america

a hero from the past in the present
who is getting adjusted to the world again
and whos main form of tech is his ever rebounding shield

and i used to dislike him for his simplistic ways
maybe it was the writing and not critiquing the flaw of throwing a defensive utensil as a offensive utensil that whilst it is out of your hands you are defense less

and this episode touched on that well the opening scenes were iron man beat cap and obliterating him after knocking his shield after coincidentally cap through his shield at him

and it shows there is more to him

and it made me question the parallels
it has with us
do we have more to us

for he has to have more tricks than just throwing a shield otherwise he would not live long

and iron man was telling him to not be afraid of change and to upgrade his tech

but as stories go a foe comes that works effectively against tech able to assimilate it into itself
and rendering iron man useless
and so it would seem cap
but it is the opposite

for cap does not rely on his shield
but iron man and others rely on their suits or bows or hammers

and cap lets it be known that he knows all their fighting styles and quirks even his own
which the android did not know and how it got defeated

and iron man wondered how he coud do this all without a computer

and it is a growing thing in the current age

people are like

and are quick to tell you what is possible
by this unknown human quota

yet cannot define what a human is
and then you realise
they are talking about their limits
not yours

for when someone tells you of impossible think of griots

think of artists
and visionaries

for how can one who has always been in a box advise others of a place outside of its constraints

then it got me thinking
are we letting technology rob us
of moments
and memories

that we have become an extension of an extension
no matter how many times they flash they will not capture the art

for can you remember a scene of wonder now without a camera

why do you need to explore when it can be sent to your door via camera

and on that note i will end

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