Thursday 27 December 2012


I am currently watching a film which  i will review later on
which brought me back to this topic 
the sometimes synonymous 
Boredom and idleness

Views have a perspective and this has a western city perspective 
boredom is a worry and fear of many people
it is moaned it is groaned
and at every turn banished but for some to regularly raise its head again

Some say boredom is eternal foe of humanity 
but is it boredom or idleness
we have all heard of the saying the devil makes work of idle hands 
which the response is to be busy with your hands
but the saying is only half of the equation 

we can think of boredom as a comma and idleness as a full stop the calm before the storm
i myself cannot remark on the last time i was bored 
i personally think within a city it is impossible to bored 
whereas idleness is around every corner the interlude the interval 
between events

which bertrand russell goes into great depths to discuss 
 but it rose to my attention i said before because of this film
the character retorts how humans have been given the 
human anatomy
the understanding of to a degree
they have nature 
they have cosmos 
and i add they have the internet and they are bored

then it got me thinking what people get bored
and what people get idle 
sheep get bored
and wolves or foxes get idle
whereas these coming days of holiday for some they will be 
chasing lights and others in an attempt to not be bored 

this festive period i was given some food for thought 
what do you do with family 
and when i saw these archaic games 
i chuckled to myself of how people 
lost the art of entertaining themselves

one may say that the entertainment has evolved 
but in what sense 
that with the archaic games ones mind as well as eyes had to be engaged in the case of scrabble
monopoly chess and so forth yes you can get them electronically
but how popular is it 

as with films how many blockbuster movies are there devoid of explosions and eye candy
but i digress 

i now refer to a previous post on the film limitless  
how one can be limited within the limitless 
and that the problems are of the mind but are wrongly being attacked through the body
for some one phrase can keep them occupied for hours perhaps days 
i even conversed through a social medium 
with a person who claimed to not have uttered a word for three days

i remarked at how he managed to do so
 more from the point of others boredom attempting to encroach on his idleness 

for with idleness one can find themselves or see things that one through the hustle and bustle would miss
but with boredom the bandwagons are bountiful

for me boredom is blasphemy but shows ones sense of sight 
for within a room in the average household are a million questions 
you never thought to ask

from how do tvs work or radios or mobile phones
how many hairs are on a head 
how long can you not speak for 
could i reverse engineer the products in my house
could i read the dictionary from cover to cover

some may say they dont have time but they make time to battle boredom and also why not change that they time is preoccupied 

i will leave on this 

if boredom leads to following what does idleness lead to
and if this continues
where will society end up 
the people who succumb to boredom a majority on one side 
and idleness on another

Friday 21 December 2012


are you an individual or an individual part on the assembly line
i left my house put on an ensemble
entered the train to sit next to my fashion twin
no i have not stooped into the valleys of vanity
i sat next to a guy wearing the same equivalent jeans the same colour
even the same back pack
it started to make me think
i picked this ensemble to fit in
but how many people do
for clothes provide two functions
warmth and statement
and across from me was a guy who have a jacket which i have at home and could of easily worn that day
which gets me onto how does individuality work within the confounds of a city
with regards to clothing
there are three roles
purchase alter or make your own
if you purchase then its possible others can purchase it and how man have been in the position where
their item of clothing or attempt at individualism has been thwarted by someone asking where did you get it
for they'd like to get it also

this is quite a problem for some people but is it only a problem of the vain but is it only a problem of the vain but if you wanted to make a statement you may get to this crossroad also
which have same people going to charity shops looking for retro outfits or altering them which may to a craze where your niche becomes a noose
and are unwillingly swept with the wheelbarrow
like with the glasses i have people come up to me asking
if their prescription
or otherwise which
can be perceived as a crowd follower

so does individualism always spawn into a group society perhaps that might be its aim for
fads die out
and never really get the said statement
but societies normally stay true
so is individualisms main problem the ferocity of fads and those who favour them
for their vain ends and favour the message none
such as che Guevara merchandisers
an anti capitalist malformed for capital
or for cool and type casting and boxing

so does individualism transform into individual grouping
for do originality and individuality collide
coincide and fraternise
or does individualism
transcend the boxes
used to exploit it
such as fashion
fashion accessories
which means you are failing your objectives
instead of rising to them
for the question beckons
can naked people be individuals
or are they really individuals
for the externals are
but the immaterial the abstract the illustrious


Saturday 15 December 2012

Boxes and open spaces

boxes and open spaces

boxes are used to carry and store things in
boxes are a way of containing controlling contorting
boxes are used for safety emotionally or agenda based
perhaps to protect yourself or protect a concept
some go by the saying those who are not for me are against me
but is everything so clear cut
hand in had with boxes are labels we are pattern based organisms but to what extent
but boxes are created internally or externally
logically if a +b then c
but the important part of the equation is if
proposing their could be an if not
boxes are limited their process is to limit to put a place holder upon something
can everything be boxed and should everything be boxed
 should birds be caged
the thing with boxes is we sometimes forget what the said thing was without a box
also with boxes we can seal them up store them up and never reopen them again
you may have boxes but who are the manufacturers of your boxes
for how ca we have boxes of things we have never solely experienced
this is where the box "society" comes in
it gives you these boxes which over time you identify with
man woman black white old young
and within that architecture gives rise to opposing forces and warring factions
and even hate

But what of the free spirit the wind like wanderer the enemy of the confined this seems to be their countless struggle the struggle against confinement restriction and regulation the cage-less creature perhaps tapping into the inner essence of man

You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? ~Rumi

Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. ~Rumi

Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open? ~Rumi

Questioning why we stay in boxes for humanity is boxed cut off from nature cut off even from itself 

Friday 14 December 2012

limitless lividness or blissfulness

 limitless lividness or blissfulness

I watched this film quite some moments ago the film resolves around the drug nzt

the film limitless proposes something is limited implying ourselves as well as the characters but it questions the nature of the limited using the premise that we use 10 sometimes 20% of our brain or its potential
the former has been refuted and rebuked time and time again that we use 10 or 20% of our brain and rather we use all of it at different times

which then leaves the potential without philosophical getting into what is potential
could be argued
the film follows the exploits of a failing writer until the introduction of nzt
with his new clarity he finishes his book and looks to be a success but his limited supply means he will back to his limited ways so needs it to become limitless as his potential

He then sets his eyes on financial gain but runs into the counterproductive people but skipping the drama element one of the counterproductive persons gets their hands on the nzt and you see the transformation and he retorts of his transformation using a broader vocabulary and having clearer more defined thoughts/thought patterns

its been quite some moments since i watched the movie but correct me if i am wrong their was a scene where  the nzt was said to heighten the senses and that you still need to input into yourself and i remarked for the most of the movie no one was really seen reading and the drama and action followed from this though they were limitless their imagination was limited and that we are all limitless it is ourselves who limit our power

if we come back to the heightened senses of intelligence if a person was left with a limitless credit card they would probably follow the same sort of trail that one can have intelligence but lack wisdom and that as easy as it came it will also go it reminds me of an intellectual lottery for how many people do you hear of winning the lottery using it to change the world or at least seriously impact their communities

for their is a scene in the movie when he is fighting some people in the tube and he uses scenes of bruce lee he remembered so he can fight off this group of attackers but it wasn't as fluid as if he actually trained in martial arts

the film really challenges the quick fix mentality and in a sense to what happens to people who lack wisdom but also since when did we equate intelligence with monetary gain and if you asked most people what they would do if they got smarter would probably do the same
at the end of movie we see a change in the character not just his hair cut providing some kind of symbolism
but now he has acquired wisdom for most of the film is about the ownership of nzt where you have various people attempting to get ownership of it at the end of the movie we see that the main character had previously been creating his own supply of nzt making his supply truly limitless but also has changed his synapses so he no longer needs nzt so no longer is reliant
and in a sense see him living up to his potential using intelligence in a supposedly less menial self centered way even though its quite tame

which got me onto imagination thinking out of the box and how the patterns of thought is overlooked with regards to intelligence for without previous intelligence the quick fix intelligence is like pearls before swine or building a house on quicksand no foundation the same some say with fiance where there are countless cases of people winning the lottery to then end up back in the place where they first started

for he was limited he could of used his heightened sense to discover the answers to mysteries or helped usher  in a renaissance or perhaps fix problems "societies ills" it for me seemed like an allegory of the philosopher the lover of wisdom that with our insights what do we do with it or limitless potential do we limit ourselves attempting to fit into boxes laid out for us does our imaginations need stimulation or are we in blissfulness in our ivory towers

Wednesday 12 December 2012

A philosophical banquet in the divide

   The divide a philosophical buffet

Let me go on record saying the film was a philosophical banquet but by no means a masterpiece of a film due to dire dialogue racism and the like
i will not be going through the films plot because it was so dire for my taste that i had to skip through most of the film

So the film was a film set in the apocalyptic vein the film touches on so many points i will touch on the few that reached out to me

Many have talked about the films gory and sexual content as detractors for the film but it invoked so many questions about sexuality i feel i should point out the sexist nature that all the male characters were fully clothed and one out of the two female characters had to be in a dressing gown and nobody offered her more clothes i also knew straight away when seeing her something of a sexual nature was going to happen to her
and before things did i remarked at the male to female ratio and it would or could be a cause for concern

and as i thought she ended up in a sex scene first willfully and after that it became less willful and finally sex slave with her hands raised and tied after being dragged kicking and screaming and by the end of the film (of what i saw) relegated to just an object a sex object nothing more sometimes less

It really got me thinking about sexuality and how sexuality in its essence was about life and giving had been become about subjection and giving also you the reader may have caught on this already why could i see this coming before it came which brings us on to three inter-related topics

one sexuality for males

two sexuality for females

three sexuality in society/societies

for can we imagine a room where the male to female ratio is 8:1 or 15:1 or 25:1 how do we see it ending for the female is it possibly like the for mentioned scene i posited before or one even more dire for said female

it got me questioning what is sexuality for males for the male can be polygamous and the male plays only one real role in the fertilization process
one of fertilizing and for fertilization to happen the man must ejaculate this can lead to a male centered view of superiority and can cast the woman in the role of objectified
and give the man a kind of "god status" in a sense of having no repercussions for his role in fertilization and can simply move on to the next female for the fact the woman has a dual role in the fertilization process
Also the process of ejaculation and coitus is another factor for it can turn into the thruster and thrustee
a dual act separated into solo roles giver and receiver or in the previous case taker and receiver

then we have the females role in sexuality that females can be polygamous also for the fact that women don't need a rest period and can have coitus through all the stages of pregnancy
but the same outcome as the previous scene doesn't suddenly jump to mind if there is a 8:1 female to male ratio or 15:1 or 25:1
the film also highlights female attire and its sexual implications for what is sexual attire for males
and that sexuality for females can be one of submission there is even a porn niche for such things as their is for males but the difference is we can see both as niches but only one as a reality

This then brings us onto sexuality in society and how even the film portrayed her as the object and the night gown she was wearing as the gift wrapper
which bring us to the crossroads of is our society over sexualised or are the males over sexualised
And since the film is only a window to some peoples ordeal in the apocalyptic affair what would be others

though films never like to admit they are a segmented view

and how apocalyptic movies follow the same themes that in general the same people are rarely a high percentage of the strongly religious or the highly intellectual or idealists a point i picked up in the film that only one person in the film i saw read a book and in these movies females rarely ever are able to really defend themselves which is not the the case in the movie pandorum which i will review on a later date ( females able to protect themselves)

which are segments of society portrayed as the whole of society which for them wouldn't make an exciting movie but do films such as these just raise issues or perpetuate them do they show you what could happen or  provide a model to follow

and not to forget it is only viewing heterosexual sexuality in a spectrum

The film does make you think about yourself and how you would act in that situation and your views on sexuality and sexualism

And is female sexuality reactive in general and what is if there is healthy sexuality

and are there many women who escape that ordeal

Saturday 8 December 2012

Tfl Smelly foods ad sinister or savoury

I noticed this poster on the under ground saying please don't eat smelly food and this got me thinking
what foods don't smell
the smell of food is part of the process of tasting
From fresh baked cookies to cod and chips
also that there is no reason given why they don't want people to eat smelly food on the tube
Also their is nothing saying not to bring smelly food upon the tube and wouldn't that just defeat the object of the poster and its plea
And wouldn't eating the smelly food reduce the mass of smelly food and you get left with the less area based aroma
But the more analytic side of me finds that this is a polite way of being rude for the smelly food seems not to mean one of an english variety but of an other sort
Also the absence of reasoning behind it is also suspect if it were because other people may be hungry it would go against the capitalist nature of the underground which whores its walls and even its carriages with adverts advertising all manner of things and the fact exiting certain tube station one is sometimes made aware of the nearest "restaurant" usually being MacDonald's

If it is distress it kinds of questions the morality of the people who are being distressed for is it over sensitiveness is it because the smell is putrid and if so i don't think anyone will be eat food as such like a raw fish straight from the market and since london is such a multicultural place any food brought upon its tube and train service will have a shop of origin it can be purchased at even if the food is homemade
so what is the main difference between whiffing it on the street to that of the train
the answer people would say is duration
but the tube is a beehive of interconnection how long could one be on a tube line with someone with "odourous food" maximum an hour and even if they weren't eating it what could they do about the smells on their person

food is made for consumption so foul smelling foods will in general be avoided except for the durian which is not epidemically eaten in the uk undergrounds which gets you on to who complained about food on the underground and who was more worried about them eating said food than having said food unless they also worried about them having said food but knew you couldn't ban it so went pc with don't eat

Also since it is merely a suggestion a request what would stop the people eating smelly food are they going to  have smelly food enforcers patrolling the tube tram and railways and call them something pc like environment supervisors

i won't jump to say its pc racism but it indefinably something covert which fails to address any questions and adds more to the bunch

p.s. will they start recommending non smelly foods with the tube map

Wednesday 5 December 2012

A philosophical film review #1 The wave/Die welle

The Wave PosterPhilosophical film review

The wave/ die welle

A german film with english subtitles

With a wealth of philosophical meals leaving leftovers in the case of food for thought

More than the layout of the plot we will interfuse concepts and plot timings

We start with a teacher called rainer who is very unorthodox

We then get to the subject matter one not really touched on regarding the german's view of the nazi's and their legacy bouncing around a state of of annoyance of the topic to the saying those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it

This was the theme of the film the cloud they were cast under a risky move but considering how well the films production to this point i was intrigued

It started off with the question what is autocracy which was greeted with zero enthusiastic appeals and half assed answers for rainer to then answer this is when the brillaince of the film started he then questioned the students if it could happened again in germany they all waved if off

so he decided to do a practical thought based experiment so he starts of with minor changes such as a name change instead of rainer it is now mr wenger and to speak one must stand up understandly question arose but he claimed it made you more alert and made examples using students and their were some initial rebels which were dispelled but he made it their choice the very first signs of coercion some students even left but then notably returned he then started to use class participation turning it in for the students a hybrid of a practical lesson such a film documentary

over the days more changes were added put through the mouth of students drawing back to the source material like seeing a boy drawing art and suggesting he draw a logo and through oratation of a collective philosophy have the students spring into action proposing making websites and creating cohesiveness by saying the students do it together

he even gets the students to march but never addressing it as such but merely exercise which will bring union  and that it will annoy their enemies( the class he was meant to teach instead of autocracy) next uniform is introduce he asks the students their view on this and they agree the viewer can slowly see the transition going on here

one girl comes in to class without the uniform and feels alienated and is even ignored by the teacher and her suggestion regarding the name is overlooked she then stops coming to class and becomes an enemy of the now labelled movement this movement expands to the streets vandalisms and acts of violence

The questions brought forth by this movie are things such as the power of rhetoric and the power of the collective or the herd peoples longing for the other and what they can forsake in themselves for it reminding me of this quote

The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.
Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher (1844 - 1900)  

Also the power of groups and political models and what happens when we view another as the other and not as another self such as the uniforms were not just an attempt to establish the slef but to differentiate from the other
And how powerful ideas are and memetic nature they expressed for later in the film acts happen which are further down the fascist paths such as salutes and salutes to enter certain places intimidation to join the movement
also how quick this happened all within a week at a school of people well aware of the subject matter 
opening doors of thought to how a perfect if their can be perfect world could or would be run and that the world is based on to things force and persuasion when one fails you used the other
it also questions your stand and mental fortitude would you have been swept up with the wave would you be a rebel faction or just a middle man for it is easy to say in hindsight you would of not sided with the nazi's but would you have perhaps you are but it is under a different name
what strikes you is the way he got them to do all these openly fascist things without them expressing so much content and how they would lose themselves in the collective such as the famous experiment in america with the stanford prison experiment

Monday 3 December 2012

An outlet for a swollen womb

I have returned to my once discarded blog
my want for an outlet for my swollen womb
has got the better of me philosophy and i
in this deadly embrace nurturing yet sinister
its offspring and its foe embroiled in one
it seems in my moments away i have returned to my platonic cave
feasting off my own ever abundant well
might i be now as the dandelion casting off her seeds whether they bloom or not
whilst previously i have been the mother hen vivaciously guarding all her eggs
The individual is always at odds with the tribe
sectioned and alone for their conflictorary existence
the loneliness bothers me not
but my womb
and its birth pangs
painting a muriel of a perfect earth
for what are doctors without patients
mere surveyors of hospital wards
what are generals without a war
hunters without prey
the lame without aid