I watched this film quite some moments ago the film resolves around the drug nzt
the film limitless proposes something is limited implying ourselves as well as the characters but it questions the nature of the limited using the premise that we use 10 sometimes 20% of our brain or its potential
the former has been refuted and rebuked time and time again that we use 10 or 20% of our brain and rather we use all of it at different times
which then leaves the potential without philosophical getting into what is potential
could be argued
the film follows the exploits of a failing writer until the introduction of nzt
with his new clarity he finishes his book and looks to be a success but his limited supply means he will back to his limited ways so needs it to become limitless as his potential
He then sets his eyes on financial gain but runs into the counterproductive people but skipping the drama element one of the counterproductive persons gets their hands on the nzt and you see the transformation and he retorts of his transformation using a broader vocabulary and having clearer more defined thoughts/thought patterns
its been quite some moments since i watched the movie but correct me if i am wrong their was a scene where the nzt was said to heighten the senses and that you still need to input into yourself and i remarked for the most of the movie no one was really seen reading and the drama and action followed from this though they were limitless their imagination was limited and that we are all limitless it is ourselves who limit our power
if we come back to the heightened senses of intelligence if a person was left with a limitless credit card they would probably follow the same sort of trail that one can have intelligence but lack wisdom and that as easy as it came it will also go it reminds me of an intellectual lottery for how many people do you hear of winning the lottery using it to change the world or at least seriously impact their communities
for their is a scene in the movie when he is fighting some people in the tube and he uses scenes of bruce lee he remembered so he can fight off this group of attackers but it wasn't as fluid as if he actually trained in martial arts
the film really challenges the quick fix mentality and in a sense to what happens to people who lack wisdom but also since when did we equate intelligence with monetary gain and if you asked most people what they would do if they got smarter would probably do the same
at the end of movie we see a change in the character not just his hair cut providing some kind of symbolism
but now he has acquired wisdom for most of the film is about the ownership of nzt where you have various people attempting to get ownership of it at the end of the movie we see that the main character had previously been creating his own supply of nzt making his supply truly limitless but also has changed his synapses so he no longer needs nzt so no longer is reliant
and in a sense see him living up to his potential using intelligence in a supposedly less menial self centered way even though its quite tame
which got me onto imagination thinking out of the box and how the patterns of thought is overlooked with regards to intelligence for without previous intelligence the quick fix intelligence is like pearls before swine or building a house on quicksand no foundation the same some say with fiance where there are countless cases of people winning the lottery to then end up back in the place where they first started
for he was limited he could of used his heightened sense to discover the answers to mysteries or helped usher in a renaissance or perhaps fix problems "societies ills" it for me seemed like an allegory of the philosopher the lover of wisdom that with our insights what do we do with it or limitless potential do we limit ourselves attempting to fit into boxes laid out for us does our imaginations need stimulation or are we in blissfulness in our ivory towers
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