Let me go on record saying the film was a philosophical banquet but by no means a masterpiece of a film due to dire dialogue racism and the like
i will not be going through the films plot because it was so dire for my taste that i had to skip through most of the film
So the film was a film set in the apocalyptic vein the film touches on so many points i will touch on the few that reached out to me
Many have talked about the films gory and sexual content as detractors for the film but it invoked so many questions about sexuality i feel i should point out the sexist nature that all the male characters were fully clothed and one out of the two female characters had to be in a dressing gown and nobody offered her more clothes i also knew straight away when seeing her something of a sexual nature was going to happen to her
and before things did i remarked at the male to female ratio and it would or could be a cause for concern
and as i thought she ended up in a sex scene first willfully and after that it became less willful and finally sex slave with her hands raised and tied after being dragged kicking and screaming and by the end of the film (of what i saw) relegated to just an object a sex object nothing more sometimes less
It really got me thinking about sexuality and how sexuality in its essence was about life and giving had been become about subjection and giving also you the reader may have caught on this already why could i see this coming before it came which brings us on to three inter-related topics
one sexuality for males
two sexuality for females
three sexuality in society/societies
for can we imagine a room where the male to female ratio is 8:1 or 15:1 or 25:1 how do we see it ending for the female is it possibly like the for mentioned scene i posited before or one even more dire for said female
it got me questioning what is sexuality for males for the male can be polygamous and the male plays only one real role in the fertilization process
one of fertilizing and for fertilization to happen the man must ejaculate this can lead to a male centered view of superiority and can cast the woman in the role of objectified
and give the man a kind of "god status" in a sense of having no repercussions for his role in fertilization and can simply move on to the next female for the fact the woman has a dual role in the fertilization process
Also the process of ejaculation and coitus is another factor for it can turn into the thruster and thrustee
a dual act separated into solo roles giver and receiver or in the previous case taker and receiver
then we have the females role in sexuality that females can be polygamous also for the fact that women don't need a rest period and can have coitus through all the stages of pregnancy
but the same outcome as the previous scene doesn't suddenly jump to mind if there is a 8:1 female to male ratio or 15:1 or 25:1
the film also highlights female attire and its sexual implications for what is sexual attire for males
and that sexuality for females can be one of submission there is even a porn niche for such things as their is for males but the difference is we can see both as niches but only one as a reality
This then brings us onto sexuality in society and how even the film portrayed her as the object and the night gown she was wearing as the gift wrapper
which bring us to the crossroads of is our society over sexualised or are the males over sexualised
And since the film is only a window to some peoples ordeal in the apocalyptic affair what would be others
though films never like to admit they are a segmented view
and how apocalyptic movies follow the same themes that in general the same people are rarely a high percentage of the strongly religious or the highly intellectual or idealists a point i picked up in the film that only one person in the film i saw read a book and in these movies females rarely ever are able to really defend themselves which is not the the case in the movie pandorum which i will review on a later date ( females able to protect themselves)
which are segments of society portrayed as the whole of society which for them wouldn't make an exciting movie but do films such as these just raise issues or perpetuate them do they show you what could happen or provide a model to follow
and not to forget it is only viewing heterosexual sexuality in a spectrum
The film does make you think about yourself and how you would act in that situation and your views on sexuality and sexualism
And is female sexuality reactive in general and what is if there is healthy sexuality
and are there many women who escape that ordeal
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