This is the first in my mini series of poverty of philosophy
When i think of libraries i think of the previous pictures
books lining the walls as if they are the walls
oceans of knowledge where five lifetimes of constant swimming
would not get you out of its shallow end
But when i visit most libraries i see this

It started when i went to a library i had never been before and as usual i went in search of the philosophy section
but as usual there was none
i found one philosophy book and it was on this one miniature bookshelf which
was housing three main titles
politics religion and philosophy
but was named as religion and belief
i was thinking generally in my travels there is a lack of a philosophy section but seriously
no politics section
yet there is a graphic novel section
so then i went to my local brand new library
the first thing i noticed was the computers within five minutes i had been through
every corner of the available library
where i once again discovered an absence of philosophy
and books of a denser sense
but for sure i found the graphic novel section
and then my fall back science i found but was tucked away
and then as i was leaving i see people there on face book and playing computer games
i even saw one guy playing the old time mobile phone favourite snake
whilst one was reading a newspaper
i walked out vowing to never step foot in that library again
but more on topic that people were in there for stuff that they could do anywhere
you can play mobile phone games at home
you can surf face book at home or walk less then hundred paces from their to an
internet cafe and do the same
another local library of mine saw its biggest rush of people on its opening day
not because of books or learning
but because of the array of computer games
which consequently also got stolen
on that note i was with a friend and we were just walking and talking he said he came to
collect something and was surprised to see him dart into foyles
and then walk only a few paces to find the graphic novel section i did not know they had a graphic novel section
where as for the philosophy section i had to traipse up the stairs
but that is nothing compared to the

near my university where on the third floor subsequently the top floor right at the back
was where the philosophy section is located
people may say that they follow the monetary incentive and that they advertise or make it easier for the books they know people want
but that is one side of a coin
is it because they want it
or because they know of nothing else
for prior before entering philosophy i had no idea it existed
and if the philosophy is in the shadows or hidden under misleading headers
wont poverty ensue in the minds
and what would happen to book shops like foyles or waterstones if they
put the fiction and accessories at the back of the shop at the end of three grand flights of stairs
or if libraries followed suit
but the fact that it is not all libraries
my actual university library on the first floor a few yards before you come in you can meet the
philosophy section
which is quite vast
yet the library is a three story library
but it is not open to the public
for since when did libraries have to sell themselves on
graphic novels
computer games
music and internet surfing
this person i knew actually used to travel from east london to north london
to experience a better or you could say an actual library
i previously did a post of products of our environments
for what happens to people lacking mental stimulation
provided with books with more pictorial images then words
i even recently encountered a man who converged to me that
he could only scribe in capitals
for he was never taught to do so any otherwise
so what to think of those who think in only one way
closed of to the avenues of ideas or lacking the combination to the gates of knowledge
not knowing how to read
when their local knowledge market place has shortchange them
providing more of a leisure center than a learning centre
lastly the requirements to be a library assistant can not even mention
an interest in books
But perhaps we can ponder upon the last time we went to a library or people we know
i would like to apologise for the tardy entry
i have been experiencing some computer problems
but i have quite a few works i will be bringing to you in the coming days