genius don't read say what
i was recently remarking on the last time i actually read a book
and the conclusion was that it occurred quite some time ago
but if you remember from brevity of a bookshelf
i was asking about the paraphernalia of the intelligencia
or the philosopher
noting that i have a bookshelf
but now i wonder if bookshelves become a museum
just showcasing information acquired
for books frequently read are unknown to the bookshelf
commonly finding refuge on table tops and transportation devices
especially if they are engrossing
i was also inquiring about the contemporary intellect
and what they have in their paraphernalia
where are they located
but in this post i will focus on their view on books
do we skip past what is a book and its function
for books are collections of symbols
teaming with information some uplifting some arbitrate
but are books the only means of getting information
for books are technology
but before there was books there was verbal communication
and the listening to of wise men and griots
was a form of information and knowledge gathering
we still have it today albeit watered down
in the form of lectures and gatherings
and then there was writing which was for a select few
and over time books have been banned and burnt
but now i question the power of books because they were a main source of information
because of their longevity
and ease of recapping and highlighting
which the vocal word did not have
but technology gets usurped or gets improved upon
perhaps not to make it obsolete but to take away its shine
we live in a time where film adaptations of books is frequent
one could say the book market is transferring some of its power
though one can remark that books are adapting
like the kindle for example and the creation of the e book and blogs ironically
but with the ease of viewing media it is not surprising that books have had to adapt
for with viewing media it uses or taps into more senses
than the written word
which is why even with its limitations the vocal word was preferred
from tonality change
uses of sight and sound
perhaps even smell and taste as part of a performance
as with the theater
even now you tube gets a lot more views than numerous blogs combined
the viewing media has the power to be tailored to sensations
and even giving you a length or duration of time you will need to spend
but it might also lean on the fact we are visually based creatures
because the audio book market is underwhelmed
the world has also got smaller
whereas the best means of information is not so the case now
such as you do not need someone to describe on paper the magnificence of the pyramids
you can watch a documentary from the comfort of your own home
or watch a film adaptation instead of reading the book
but their is always a hidden danger
with not reading
such as fact verification
books give citations of sources
documentaries and films or other media do not
and the difference with books and viewing media
is with books their lacks a middle man
with film adaptations they do adapt it
maybe adding spice or omitting certain messages and views
and you are being fed information which may not be true
perhaps we can go away and ponder on our educational watering holes
are we more book based or media based or a fifty fifty approach
i apologies for my late post i had a few technical difficulties but the next post for
sure will be within four days
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