so this is the anticipated film
i have dissected a few times as the pictures depict the film is called naked
firstly i must confess the lens it is shown through
is not for everyone
i was put of firstly by its graphic nature and the visual style
but as i proceeded its inner intricacies unraveled and i was enveloped
being carried by a stream of exuberance
the film follows a man who meets up with his ex girlfriend in london and the encounters
he is drawn in and to
before we dive in this
dissect what you can from the picture
what thoughts come to mind
from the title from the pictures portrayed
this is the grit the treasure is masked in
when i was watching i slowly began to see myself in the character
his drifting free flowing ways
and how may i or for you the reader how may you be observed
like the game of charades what shapes are we making with the contorting of hands and body
to the others and ourselves and what do the audience the spectators see
and do they align
You may see a scruffy man and may equate non intelligence with it
but under the veneer of a haggard soul was one teeming with curiosity guile and wit
an intelligence over flow
a celluloid Diogenes if you will
this touches upon the brevity of the bookshelf post
of what is the guise intelligence comes under
as well as class
for his clever intelligent converse covered in a wrap of wit
drenched in a thick accent
associated with a class opposed to his vocabulary
and the source content
and how though the camera was his shadow
he was an outsider
an non belonging item
a bump on an otherwise smooth curvature
misunderstood and always in search of belonging
his intelligence his gift and curse
this is a first in a two part post on belonging so stay tuned
the next post will be within the next four days
And in conclusion perhaps we can go away thinking about how and where we might belong
and if our outlook is represented by our guise
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