I was recently watching a program called leverage
about a robin hoodesque groups
and they all have different traits
such as a grifter
a hacker
a hitter
a mastermind
and a thief
and within the course of the episode
they visited the thiefs domicile
and to their estonishment it was out
of the ordinary
first of all it was not a house
but a storage facility
and it was laid out specifically
to a thief
it was organised
it had a gymnastic ring
it had a variety of locks
and a ensemble of a thiefs apparatus
there is a famous saying that a persons home is their
but you can also think of your home as a community
or a town
the things within a town cater to a populous wants
and needs
as with the thiefs room
for the room had
its gymnasium since thieves have need for deft touch
poise and balance
such as slight of hand
suspension and
evasion of bodyguards security prying eyes
and laser grids
we then have the recreational facilities
played in part by the locks
picking locks is an essential skill set for a thief
and in the series it had been shown to
be a past time
though still under the thief theme
where picking a lock would be
with joy coming from beating a previous score
then you have fashion/clothing districts
fashion i spoke previously in a prior post
is an expression an insignia
to allegiance and affiliation
conceptual and otherwise
lastly you have your
handyman stores
which has the tools
and bits and bobs
required by the towns
in this case ski masks
grappling hooks and harnesses
depending on the financial situation
the room model
can be expanded into a house model
rather than areas of a room being metropolises
of certain wants and needs
whole rooms will be consumed to a want or a need
such as study rooms etc
whether people are products of their environment
or environment are products of people
their is a relationship
for if we think of ourselves or
the people we are familiar with
you see the relation
for we see on tv or films
fashion aficionados
have their environment tilted
as such
with walk in wardrobes
a variety of mirrors
an array of scents and perfumes
among their assortment of make-up
and hair devices
alongside their catalogue of shoes and dresses
not to mention their library consisting of a high percentage
of fashion magazines
as they say actions speak louder than words
and a pictures says a thousand words
and most communication is non verbal
and like surrounds itself with alike
and nietzsche all company is bad company when not with ones equals
but what is the scenery outside our castle walls
and how might that affect and penetrate our inner sanctum
it could be innocuous such as flyers and brochures
or perhaps grander such as packaging
and door delivery
the power of ideas and concepts have touched us all
such as the lazy night
because you can order food
then within our homes are doors or gateways
drawbridges even
to the surroundings
such as the television laptop and radio
and not forgetting the door
or the sound waves that penetrate your castle walls
such as sirens ambulance or otherwise
for if our homes are our attempt
to create a perfect environment
and if all of ours vary
even within the same household
what about outside of our
I would like to say thank you to all the readers
and that a new post will be arriving within the next three days so watch this
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