Mlk jr day is a day celebrated by many especially in america
but it was pointed out to me that only since the noughties has it been a recognised national holiday in all fifty american states
martin was branded many things in his day but what gets me is the way he is branded now
and what are people really celebrating when they celebrate mlk jr day
is it the case of appeasement a spin move on the side of pr
to promote what the system was once again and that history favors the victor
and the worrying thing is that without a civil rights movement
the same country that celebrates a holiday in his honour would of gladly carried on its racist oppressive ways
or is it the case of people celebrating that there are people who will stand up for what they believe in against all odds and adversities
and it gives hopes to others fighting other fights that even though now they may call you a trouble maker a conspiracy theorist and many other things
they may even set dogs on you and burn your house down
but through all that you may get to the mountain top
and see the promised land you are helping to pave the way for
or is it a celebration that we are being aware of history and will not be doomed to repeat it
and though through omission and misinformation about the transatlantic slave trade and its remnants there is at least one beacon you are aware of who fought back against injustice hatred and ignorance
which gets us to ponder as we go from this
would we do a martin luther king jr
and are there some causes still looking for a champion
because even though it is called martin luther king day
we know so many more names it could be called by and perhaps we all name it after different people
like malcolm x day or angela davis day or
huey newton day
rosa parks day
harriet tubman day
steve biko day
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