So here we are in part two of our genius mini series
so this was a great film filled with depth and less gritty than the first installment in the mini series
so you can watch this with kids
but main overlapping issues are there and coincidentally have a parent missing
but our main character is a big fish in a small pond stuck in the midst of mediocrity
and is frankly malnourished
she basically is a autodidact since she starts of skipping classes
and is in the place many have been before never having to try because they are so skilled
she gets the highest grades on her spelling tests without even trying
and in fact tries to hide it so not to stick out
which is the problem for these big fishes or birds
contorting their shape to fit into the pond
or curbing their wings stuck in a cage
she has a skills and she never envisions it can be utilized
it is a gift hidden behind the stage curtain
but with many like her they need vision they need a push and they need will and guidance
and though she can spell well it was not being reflected in her vocabulary
or her lifestyle
and one pivotal part of the movie was when she went to her mentors house
and he rebuked her use of language
and his approach saw her shunt him but not before showing she was capable of a greater grasp
of vocabulary
so she went on her own and just scraped through the first and her first qualifying rounds
whence she went back to the mentor to be guided
and a new perspective on spelling as well as giving her courage and self belief
for spelling is seen as the remembrance of words and sequence of its letters
which it is but it is also or can be more than that
for with this language and it roots in many others you can use that to your advantage
for is one thing to merely try memorise words
and another to make it part of your routine
which she fairly had before in playing scrabble
but by reading books and changing her scenery
for a manner of manor woman can be found in their scenery sometimes
as with products of your environment
as with the previous entry in this series akeelah had to deal with adversity
unlike many of other contestants
from having a deceased father
to underfunded schools
to lack of support from family members at first
and a group of peers
and for many gifted they lack nurturing environments
or peers to view themselves inside of
or to challenge them and aid them to strive higher as we see at the end of the movie where
akeelah and her rival are working in tandum to both claim the first place prize
where she thought he was her rival yet her only rival was her self
the mentor stance might be one that shocked people the firmness yet friendly distance
his stance was one of a guide
seeing what the pupil could not see from the tricks she uses to memorise
to experience and tactics
and this is what she was missing
for it was the beginning of tranformation and information
which is seen as off limits
where people stick to the boxes that are there or the stereotypes
and going to meet the other contestants to study
she felt out of place and camera made her look out of place
and her mentor was trying to show her you are not out of place
for when many will name genius
a name of african descent will be omitted
yet obviously there are many who are and have been
and the mentor was not guiding her in merely others exploits not similar to her own
which creates estrangement
but those similar
such as
and frederick douglass
who is seen in the hallway of the white house
and when she started to succeed the sense of community which was invoked
from those who bullied her to those
seen as anti intellectualism
i will leave you with the quote which was said in the movie
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