i recently watched an episode of ^^^^
and it was a sequel of a post i write earlier apprentices
and i mentioned one character in particular
we start of with him attempting to foil a robbery and he is pitted against this guy
they duke it out
then^^^ proposes he can beat robin in three moves
and he does so telling him to be as good as him he needs to train with the master
he then goes in search of the master
he retorts of how he has trained with the best but there is still more for him to learn
but he overcomes the rejection
she then says that to find the master
he will have to transverse
the mountain behind her
and he will have to do it bereft of his gadgets
he sets of feeling a bit naked without his gadgetry
and even forgets that he has not got it with him
for he is so used to using his tools
which is a theme we will return to
of a bear
all without his gadgetry
the bear retorts the words of the old lady and that he can leave now but he carries on he will not have this option again
and to proceed he will have to go through him
which he finds out easier said then done
but eventually he overcomes the giant to proceed
he is then set upon by the old lady once again remarking how she got their ahead of him
and if she could step aside so he can pass since he is on a time limit to reach the top before sun down
she rebukes him for rudeness and that he should help her with the pails of water >>>
she then directs him to the next opponent
he is then set upon by a blind snake
he says he will not fight him since he is blind so the snake turns of the lights and says so are you now
and how his senses are useless to him here
since he has no light for eyes
and the cave echoes the sound
but he uses his mind to figure out where he is and proceeds
sun down
who offers him a cup of tea
he declines and wants to hurry up and fight since he is on a time limit
the monkey has a distinct advantage
but robin once again overcomes the obstacle to be within the home stretch of the masters
but then he is beset by the very person who told him of this place
and he tells him how he lied about training with the master and that he used robin to do the tasks so as to save his energy
but the old lady warned him about the easy way over the hard way
he then uses robins own inventory against him
and was a telling point of how he relied to heavily upon it now
robin exhausted wants to quit
yet the old lady reminds him of his previous conviction
of being able to handle anything that could come his way
and that he has come this far and he is so close
so he should carry on
he then uses what he learnt from the three tests to defeat him
showing that you should learn from those you face
and take away what is useful from them
to step in revealing she is the master and that the robber had tried before to do the tasks and had failed numerous times
showing that sometimes others even foes can sometimes see the potential within us
the robber was escorted from the masters presence by the same very beings he could not defeat
and then the point of not seeing what was in front of him
he had been conversing with the master all this time he did not see her
as for us we should not get blinded by our goal
we fail to see the goal
also that we should use tools and not be use by tools
not to be overly reliant on them
for question will be asked of who we are without them
and when that question comes will we be ready
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