Thursday, 4 April 2013

Hope to see these gangsters acting like teachers

This song when i first heard it captivated me
from the melody
to the hook
down to the verses
which where wet with other worldly wiles of a wordsmith wrapped in philosophy
i could take a verse at random and drown in its metaphors

but i will pick one
which stood out to me above the others
I hope I see these gangsters actin' like teachers
the link provides not just the lyrics but a perspective of the meaning behind the verse
or the use of double entendre

when people think of gangster an array of things can spring forth from the media tinted portrayal
being the zeitgeist of our time or the avenues with where its light is found
intertwined with scenery dictating the back drop

for gangster for some is

the role of the gangster and its influence is a conflicting yet complex one
which would need more than a few blog entries to give justice too
at its simplest it is a person of force and villain of many a piece

And the attitude towards gangster is one of varied response depending on your side in relation
but of those who hold the word with powerfully negative connotations
prison or death is the end of the road for them as far as many of them is concerned

but life does not end at prison and sometime nor with death

so returning to the title it can be construed in two ways positively or negatively
one as gangsters teaching others to become gangsters
or gangster enriching another

and it inspired me for this mini series
of gangster who became teachers literally or metaphorically
and even those of the manufactured kind


for those of you who watched the wire omar will be easily remembered
and just as the lyric i was shocked but happy proud even when i saw him in community

there is a link to the info of his role in the program
but of key note he has achieved a degree in biology in prison

referring back to my point of prison is not the end of the story

and the title also appears to the notion of gangsters being the anti education or learning
and that they become gangsters due to that fact

so this concludes part one

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