Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Everyone everyone lets be civil shall we

So for anyone who has never played any of the incarnations of this game

on a serious note i am not promoting this game i am not an advert

but the game does give you a new perspective
for you are really a leader of  a kingdom how big and how long it lasts is up to you

you  get advisors who you can choose to or not to listen to and you have to be wary not to just follow what they say

on the civ 5 version you more so decide which one of your amany advisors you want to follow

and as the leader you can choose which of type of government you are in dependent on the game

the civ game on ps3 lets you choose within ranges from
despotism monarcy etc

where certain actions like just going to war will be blocked by your councilors or people

but you ultimately choose how you want to play do
you try to win te game through technological advancements

do you try to win through diplomacy

or do you win through a monetary victory

or do you hunt down every last civilization till you are the last standing

you can go so far as nuking other cities
on one incarnation

you can build the un and since you build it you hold the most votes and can vote against anyone
else having nuclear arms even though you do

Evil Plotting Raccoon

and this is the closest most people will get to that kind of influence and control

this meme will flash before your eyes
skeptical baby

for as your influence grows such as building monuments

but others may have coverted it and denounce you because of it they may even stunt your growth
and box you in so you cannot expand territory your people need
and they may not trade items you want
or allow diplomacy so though you are boxed in you can go through their land without
sparking war
War Baby

so your resolve will be put to the test
if you will stick to your other world stance
and not take over cities
decline war
or maybe you hide behind its just a game
and become genghis khan

their is also another tidbit added into the game
the raising of cities
Girl fire

so in closing to know what leader you will be or where your morals lie try out civ 5

they say power corrupts but can you corrupt what was not capable of being corrupted

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