cough cough really
the problem with language is the usage
he knew all about that ^^
but more so that with language people will not always use the a word the same way
especially with english
and people get trapped and tricked with the synonym
older and elder a change of the first letter can do a lot
but in reality it is not always the case
many you have heard the argument
its normally done by siblings
i am older
so i am the elder
and you must respect elders
so you must respect me
a bit of logic which ^^ he knew all about it is sound
but it is not correct
but it is all based on probability
and proposition
and is from an era different from now
which is the disassembling of the flawed equation age equals wisdom
which translate any body older than you is wise
but this western culture teaches kids
but when does this propagated
youthful faze end
as they say you are as old as you feel
and here is the cycle of the average life anything slow
is boring and is avoided to for the fast pace
and remember the stillness article
so the stillness is cashed in for a fast lane
so books certain films museums and general pondering is avoided
that is right
so if you drink your way to eighteen collecting pop culture wisdom and so forth
are you really going to snap your fingers and be like yeah
i am going to do that wisdom thing now
just so when i am old i will actually have wisdom not just grey hair or wrinkles
and lots of alcohol stories
and after that faze if it ends they get a job and a job preoccupies your time
for most people
and just go to your local public spots or spots where you see elder people
do you in general see them whipping out this
i did not think so
i am not saying it can not happen but society
does not promote it
and you find out the older people get
the more routine they like
and you get wisdom from breaking routine and finding new avenues
and so with the job they get an appartment
and try to settle down
have some kids which then preoccupy their time
so say they had kids at 30 and they leave with twenty years of the first conception
so the adult is fifty
and has never maybe traveled out of the country
maybe does not have a bookshelf in their house
and had no time and has no perspective to find the wisdom
and aside from that is the reality of kid genii
with the general time model
the kid knowledge surpasses
theirs and since they gained no wisdom
they can offer only their brand of party and enjoy yourself
which is the opposite dumb down yourself
and this a no go saying put down the book and watch some tv
and phrases such as normal
what does that even mean
and if normal is sub par
then avoid normal
one place this ageism foolishness is absent is
where no matter what you are wearing
and if the opponent is twice or perhaps trice your age
it is by merit
you are judged on
in this film at first it is weird when they find their buddha the reverence
they pay him
for westernly you would never see an elder boy before one so young
or the young in general
another thing the young need to circumvent
is the phrase but you have not lived
and roll eyes what am i doing now
and the dismal of reading normally follows
but if someone ie the person who write the book
who obviously lived is dropping knowledge
why do the same mistake
when you can just stand on their shoulders ^^
now that is wisdom
the biggest detriment of any society is the stifling of those who are visionaries
and are atop giant shoulders
and for the young these are lessons we must learn one not of envy
and false titles
and to nurture talent we should of nurtured in ourselves
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