for most people
school and education
is synonymous
but for others is not so
for following the logic all people who go to school are educated
and if school is compulsory so most people go to school in west
then following those lines of logic everybody in the west is educated
but the next thing interjected would be to a degree
just as it is synonymous for people that those who have a degree are intelligent
for where does that leave in the general consensus those who do not go to school or have no degrees
for in one of my previous posts i talked about autodidacts
people who taught themselves
but aside from that making school redundant
what is this prevailing canopy which suggest that schooling is education
i remarked before that education comes from the greek meaning to draw out or bring forth
but as in the video^^
and this video^^^
the symptoms created by the over arching theme of school is education
and that an exam will decide their fate
when it is you who does so
and how individualism is not incorporated
in schools
but individualism is the basis of education
and for the fact with school you are praised for following and being obedient
and shunned for the opposites
and that you are never reared to be your own teacher
for most students it is a day of rejoicing once they hear these scenarios
school is closed
teacher is sick
or reading week
i even heard a man who can twice over be my dad
yes very weird
make a joke about going back to school and how he feels like a kid
where schooling and education is synonymous
and that education is bound to school
and the foolish notion of their is a time for education
and more noticeably it is for the young
but he is not alone in this thinking
for many people
they can not wait to leave school and work
and even celebrate never touching a textbook again
many people put this down to school just making people cram
and their education is revolved around exams rather than learning
to be fair their is always one teacher who breaks the mold and students look forward to their classes
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