I recently watched this film
and some of you may know it being the most famous off of the list
some points really jumped out
such as with the main character
and how he was another fish to big for the pond he was in
but also the fact that he a master of disguise
concealing what was inside him
from virtually everyone
only relinquishing restraint in the exam he took
and how many of us hide our light to fit in
and just skate through life and our surroundings
but also on the flip side why did he feel the need to hide
for his school were amazed since his work was borderline
and his test scores were so remarkable
but sometimes our book is judged without our involvement
and that is when he spoke out to defend his honour
and show what was underneath the cover
such as with the scene with the guy and his bmw
showing that those who judge rashly are not wise
and that with the good of films like these their is always something that taints it
but then he transfers schools
but you can feel the sense he feels out of place
and is without peers
and that is a fear for some people that the higher they go or in search of their goals
the more isolated they could become for lack of peers
but the other story is of one of friendship
and mentorship
where they bring out of each other what they could not do themselves
one a place to be themselves
a company of equals and a place to rest his mask
and share his burdens
and the other to realign them with old loves
such as baseball and writing
and the importance of sometimes searching of how to help those who help you
but it is not without adversity there will be those who doubt you and will be jealous
but rather than a deterrent let them be your drive
and when you are in these places without peers you may have to constantly reaffirm yourself
and show what is under your cover
but that sometimes comes with a price
but as nietzsche once wrote no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself
but you can also end up right back where you started
and this is the fear some of us have so we do not speak out
but then how much do you value yourself
this is very much the focus of the scene where during their big game
the coach lets him know that even though he is under investigation
the charges can be dropped and he sympathies and that it could of come about because his schedule was to grueling
and that he can drop the academic side of his scholarship
and just focus on the sport side of the scholarship
and keep doing what he has been doing and win games
this was a very powerful part of the movie
and he is presented with the choice
do what is best for himself or for others
reaffirm himself or stereotypes
and he chose the price which is never to high and was himself
and that he was not going to be in a box
of the so called jock
the mindless sportsman because of ease
and there is a time where all your work pays off
and there was no grander moment than this where
it seems that he may of chose the wrong decision
to stand up for himself
he is vindicated when his mentor and friend
comes to his aide
and you can see in his face a plethora
of emotions
vindication righteous indignation
and joy
but also so suave
letting the actions speak as loud as they were
it was such a powerful scene
and how in all he was a dignified person
who would rather suffer than betray a friend
and was not about vengeance
but justice
for some of us would not been able to hold in the righteous anger and would of smirked or hailed
abuse his way
with the last few scenes showing how now he was becoming his own master
and he had taught the teacher something
and the possibilities were endless
ending with the last scene
him being in his will
and where the place which prior held fear and myth
was his intertwined with fond memories
and gentle blessings
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