Monday, 29 April 2013

iron man and intellectualism no spoilers

i recently watched iron man 3

now i am not promoting the film
but it did have some interesting points

and even though i am a batman fan it was better than the last batman movie by far

it struggles with philosophical problems of identity
and the issue of karma

but the biggest thing i drew from the movie was intellectualism

for though in the comic world the word genius is thrown about with such little regard it become laughable sometimes

but here was different

that you could forget about the narrative and think about the exploits of the man character
for though he is famous and rich
you was not pushed to view that or uphold that as an ideal or as integral
but his talents instead

which had you going away with what are my talents and how could i utilise that or them

and it made artistic dreamer and i want to go home and build something
or dismantle my toaster

and how he was smart an intellectual and it was not deemed as uncool or a waste of time in general

so it is cool to be clever

and i wonder if in the next few weeks we hear news of people being inspired by iron man or this post to create and achieve

Tuesday, 23 April 2013



i recently experienced and read up on this sikh festival

which i stumbled upon by accident

i noticed drinks upon a stand
and surmised they were free
and one person i was with checked it out and confirmed

and though we were not part if the celebration
drinks and gifts were offered to us as much as we could carry

and within all this jubilation

i saw one of the strangest scenes

a shop owner

in his doorway

looking for the source of his decreased income

and how easily we got swept up in the tide of community

which something i think a lot of us miss

a chance to let our guard down and embrace others and transcend the facade of differences

but also with the shopkeeper why could not the world be like that everyday
where giving is not shackled

and we returned to natures narrative of opensource giving

reminding us or me there is always hope

politicized religion

Timothy Schmalz created this bronze sculpture of Jesus. “I’m very sensitive about the stereotypes that people have of Christianity, so I wanted to give a fresh presentation.”

whilst reading the article it talked about how the sculpture could not find a home and was rejected by some churches as being controversial or to vague

well last time we checked there was no official picture of jesus only artistic impressions and artistic twists

but what also came to mind is that people were not used to this kind of portrayal
and this seems to have motivated some churches against the sculpture

mark 2 v 17
On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
New Living Translation (©2007)
When Jesus heard this, he told them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor--sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."

  talk about <<<<<
matthew 19 v 24
Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy
matthew 6 v 19

which was confirmed when i told them jesus was for the poor 
he ate and conversed with sinners 
the people at the bottom of social ladders and castes

and was against materialism
and even pointed out that it will make it harder for you to get to heaven

yet there are some churches whose sermons revolve around the monetary issue

and the divisions in christianity have lead some to have skipped out on their history and how political and powerful it was 
and it was for the opposite of who you picture as faces of it now

with phrases as the meek shall inherit the earth 

got me thinking how many meek people do i find 

mattthew 18 v 21 to 22
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

with that much forgiving how could anyone wage war in the name of christianity

which brought me to the fact most people do not read 

i will leave you with this 

some may say blasphemy 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

schooling is not education aka neet

welcome to nhk 
is about a neet

which stands for not in education
employment or training

and this what is the grim picture for some that makes people hold up schools or schooling
as if it is the only way
this brings a complex in many individuals
from being looked down 
to being pressured into schooling

for some schooling is a daunting task full of monotony 
and lack of an outlet for self expression and creativity

which has them fussing over trivialities
and trying to find their own with little information whilst being herded

with the pressures to do something anything 
to be occupied
yet betrand russell would have something different to say about that 

and following russells work neet is the epitome of ^^^ idleness
and ideness is seen as laziness as a disease 
shunned and abhored
but he argues 
it is from where greatness is derived
and moments of brilliance 

and i would add where finally get you bearings

as i talked about the silence recently
idleness is a thing many do not have or want to have
they always want to be occupied

and with these polarized opposites the neet finds themselves

in between the cusp of greatness and the rod of the shepherd 
for if you ask many people when is the last time they took a walk with no aim they would probably reply

yet albert camus 

and people forget that their needs time for the application of growth
seen in infants who spend their time absorbing info from their surroundings before they eventually try to influence it

the thing with the word neet nobody is really a neet 
but it is more so in relation to generals
such as education
public not autodidact 
and public training not private

but the thing is even if you are reading books like a chain smoker 
others will look down on you and even call it frivolous for your lack of income 
for most education is to get income
Its not going to happen

hands up how many times have you heard that question and felt you need to defend it
Wanna fight about it

Tyler Durden Fight

and for these neets they are limbo 
being swayed like palm trees in a tropical storm
and being showered in showers of self loathing

but people change tunes at success and others will get encouragement of your time in the wilderness

and in closing 

for al the neets^^^^^