kaiji another post you may think
i think i may have to do a post for nearly every episode
but we pick up where we left off kaiji has just crossed the beams to get to the other side
along the way he is reminded that
that beam is an allegory fro life where you are alone in you walk
and you must learn to support yourself
and will and drive yourself
he is told that the game and the prize is forfeit
because they asked for the power to be shut off
and they complied albeit late
kaiji argues his point that they were not made aware of this and some people still got shocked and lost their lives over this delay
and there is an old man who seems to be the chief
and he agrees with kaiji and agrees to allow him another chance to win the money
and possibly more if he does another gamble
but as he takes kaiji to the other room he drops some gems
and on the way they walk
and then they see in the passage way the previous contestants writhing in agony
they clearly need medical attention
but the old man explains that he paid them to stay behind and would give bonuses to those paid
special attention by him which consisted of him prodding them in their broken bones
with his walking stick
and he explains using the people as compelling imagery
that world is full those with groans of resentment
and their groans support the luxuries of a few
and understanding that he told him self that he will never help anyone else
and that even though he has money and plenty of it he will never help anyone
he then asks kaiji
which is also asking us why
and prods someone in their broken bone
that whilst he fiddles with his broken leg the person feels pain but he does not feel pain and nor does kaiji
and that it does not matter how much another suffers
for the only thing that matters is his own happiness
is this the case
is this the case for us
is this what privilege entails
for how many of us feel the hunger of another
the pain
or despair of another
me may sympathize
but we do not feel it
do we go on hunger strikes for those with out food
do we spend our time with the less fortunate
do we adopt the children who are abandoned
do we heal the sick
and why do we not
and then the old man explains that the guy wanted him to hurt him more
for they put some money near him and he instantly grabbed out to it and said in between his cries my money
and that summed up the more pain the more money they would receive
then he paraphrases
and the money is the why
and that people will go through a great lot for money
and i am looking at this
that this money they think empowers them weakens them
they are sprawled along the floor like fish upon a boats deck
caught by the fishermen hoping not to be gutted
and that the rich make use of this advantage
forcing others to serve for the rest of their lives whilst they live in comfort
and that kings do not become kings by themselves
ponder this
for if the poor rise up declaring they do not want money the king will be overthrown
but the poor want money so they can be kings themselves
which just strengthens the kings position
and they cannot escape the fruitless paradox because the king cannot be destroyed as long as the poor want money
and the poor will continue to be bound
and the king will provide just enough comfort that uprisings do not occur
regardless of how hard the king drives them
and after that he is led by another to play a game called e card
where there are ten cards in total
a citizen a emperor and a slave
the emperor can beat the citizens but not the slave
the citizen can beat the slave but not the emperor the citizen draws with the citizen
the slave loses to the citizens
but can beat the emperor for it is has nothing to lose
it is the have not
the oppressed one
but those with nothing to lose are said to be the most formidable
which reminds me of a line from a poem
that we only ever oppress those who are powerful
to see what the clip this comes from watch the link below from the 17 minute mark
this episode got me thinking what position am i in
am i the citizen above the have not
or are citizens just fancy or nicely dressed slaves
like house slave and field slave
and this is the world explained in so few lines
for people declare politicians to be corrupt yet
they then advocate for someone else to run for the same office
the power behind money and the king is the same belief and desire
for people say money is the root of all evil
then say if i had the money i would do this and that
and that these lifelines are given down by your oppressors and you think it would be for your benefit
you would not want the ladder you are stepping on to become autonomous for you would fall
the same with those in power and the kings
and some people are waking up that replacing parts does not affect the whole
beheading one king to then replace them with another
for the system is still intact
for it is not solely our fault for we have been sold ideas of princes and princess from young
with all the poor clambering on another to be kings not realizing
what is the king without the citizens
what is a general without their soldiers
what is a striker without their teammates
and that when you stop positioning yourself to see other you claim to be above you and reach out to those who are next to you
then things change