this came to mind after watching this anime series i have been watching sporadically for some time now
and the episode was about belonging
so nonoha ^^
is friends with a bunch of puzzle genii
yet cannot solve puzzles
not even the ones they deem easy
and this came to epitome in this episode
where she is feeling outside of a group she wants to be close to
that she decides to embark on a puzzle crash course at the deep end
and she finds it a struggle so she decides to stay in her room and do this one puzzle at least before the end of the trip
which is where the viewer slowly sees where she belongs within the group
because personally i felt her character was becoming lost and was getting a bit annoying
and that she surmised that puzzles is what joined the group together
when us the viewer saw it as something else
for as she left them to their devices in her attempt to solve the puzzle
the group had unconsciously disbanded
for she actively ^^ keeps the group together by force if need be
and i would categorize her as the gas pedal
one that can drive others
and provide a push
sometimes referred as the motherly role
and of this quote by sherlock holmes
Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power of stimulating it.
and that was her role
not to be jealous or to feel inferior
but to know she would be a muse
and that may be the case for some of us
that is not what we can do but what we can not do that may make us
important or relevant
and this is a recurring theme of a personified gas pedal
seen clearly in the case of
and though holmes is more at home with those like himself such as moriaty and irene adler
but watson keeps him grounded and spurs him on and cures his ills
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