ah the library
i say you can tell the prospects of a community by its library or lack of library
like some might say you can tell a city by its quality of night life
and i saw why i do not frequently escape the walls of my own enclosure
it was a horrific experience
and it embarrassed me
and that this establishment and its inhabitants were a reflection of me
and i did not like what i saw
in a hypothetical if someone had a wondrous gift to share and rightly but in this case wrongly surmised
that within the bosom of books i would find many awake to admire this addition this gift
to start of there were these kids supposedly studying but shouting profanities regularly being dissuaded from their task
and to find a few hours from closing time that the paper they were doing was on the easiest of difficulties and they had taken the better part of twelve hours to do so
with the test tomorrow
and further more with their summarizing of their career path and their prospects
they had reverence nor any real understanding of path chosen
then immediately beside me i was beset by a person free from self control or reverence for the bosom of books or others in that mind state
and they began to snore uncontrollably
so bad it was increasing in decibels
and the sleep so deep that their phone a few mere milimetres from the earlobe could not jog them from slumber
so i assisted in tapping the chair
i thought what happened to silence in a library
then i happened to glance to my left where a woman was huddle behind a book stand
cross legged upon the floor breastfeeding her baby a mere hopscotch away from the toilets and secluded area
one could remark how it is a natural occurrence
but why on the floor with a thinly veiled attempt at obscuring others view
with ones body tilted towards children
and a few steps from the lavatory
and lastly why in a library
you would not do so in a nightclub or a restaurant so blase
in a sense lesser establishment
not one which feed your soul your consciousnesses
then i heard a guy smugly describe poorly to another guy book sections
then haughtily announce i am going to look for the science books
cue surrey accent
and later on i wandered upstairs
and saw their philosophy section
it was one row
with spaced out zone of three books
of books on philosophy not even philosophy itself
and then downstairs
the school girls arrived
huddling in the corner to talk about boys
and to inform you they go to an all girls school
note to parents segregation does not work
but the whole anti intellectual vibe their has put me off going
and let me not get started on the people who go to the library to play games and go on youtube to watch music videos
and i did get in these people shoes and returned thankful i have my own
this concludes part 3
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