i did say this is the best anime i had seen
and we pick up after the boat incident
and he has incurred more debt via the interest on the borrowed money
and is now working in a convenience
store to pay of the debts
but is haunted by shadows and specter of debt collectors
coming to get him at any moment
he is visited by this man again but this time with a more humble approach
and will let him clear his current debt and maybe get more as with gamble of before
so kaiji goes to the location
and sees some of the people from the boat
and a guy from his convenience store
and the guy he saved
who is not a betrayer but extremely grateful to kaiji
for saving him and once again they do not know what the gamble is until the very last minute
they put in coffin like boxes and then transported
and then they are beset by their test
to walk across a thin beam
but they cannot touch it with their hands or instant disqualification
and with that they are told to start
they see how ludicrous this is
they are not playthings for the rich who are jeering them on from the sidelines
greyhounds to be bet on
but they are reminded that the fist one two across get 20 million and 10 million respectively
and with that one person sets off before kaiji
and then the others set of but before long a person falls off but the fall is not igh enough to kill them but is high enough to break bone and injure contestants upon falling
kaiji is gaining on the person ahead of him but cannot overtake him because the beam is to narrow
he is then notified
by the jeering bureaucrats and elite millionaires and heiress
to push
kaiji denies in the name of humanity
or his morality he will not push
put looking left he sees a person push crying whilst doing so and apologizing
and then it is repeated again
the kaiji is tempted to follow suit but refrains but sees the person behind ready to push him and he tries to reason the struggles with him then they both lose their balance and are disqualified
but would we have done a kaiji or pushed like the others
they are led into a holding room whilst waiting for the games
and with every passing game you saw an increase in the loss of humanity
for in the first group was 6 out of 10 survivors
then there was 5
then 4
then one
and then the twist they find out they are not getting the money unless they do one more gamble
for host rationals
they are freeloaders wasters
who have done nothing to be rewarded with such money
and that they should earn it
which ties in with wage slavery
that the only commodity some people have of value is their time
but for these people
their lives were currency
and the next gamble was worse than before
whereas previously the fall would injure them
this fall would kill them
but they embark after a rallying of the troops by kaiji
so they embark
with no safety net and the prize of 20 million yen at the end of this stretch
but this is when it gets crazy
they have even higher elites watching them this time and getting a kick out of seeing these people put themselves on the line
but that host thinks he is helping these people
for he calls them trash who have never followed through with anything in their lives
wasting away and wasting life
and they are in this cotton wool illusion
kind of like this bag of nuts contains nut situation
and some would say it is darwinistic
law of the jungle
but others may see it as he is trying to unlock inner potential
and them dying on this bridge is in a nobler fashion than it would be if they died in a gutter
or from alcohol poisoning
or drug addiction
they soon after seeing one person fall to their deaths
want to quit and ask for the electricity to be turned off
i forgot to mention that that was a deterrent for the contestants
to just hug the pole and shuffle along
the host retorts no
and that these people are quitters
always looking for the easy way out
and to back out of anything
and soon after the refusal
three are left
the guy from his work place and the guy he saved
but here is where your heart strings or essence is tugged
for ishida the guy he saves knows he cannot go any further and will die
he offers kaiji his ticket so he can claim ishidas prize so as to bail his wife out of debt
and give her some happiness and peace he could not give her
since he has been a useless husband
and kaiji does not want to take it insisting that he is spouting nonsense but will make it
but then is persuaded to take it
kaiji carries on towards the goal
and after awhile turns round
finds ishida not behind him
he had fallen
he had fallen silently
he had covered his mouth
so as not to make a peep as to not disturb kaiji
kaiji reflects on this as do i
for a man who was not strong enough to make it to the end
was more than brave enough
to quiet himself for kaiji
put others before himself
and become more than the alcoholic coward
in debt up to his eyeballs
it just had me ponder on the strength
it must take
for you to be at the precipice of oblivion
or forty story fall
and to put yourself after someone else
was touching
and so kaiji and sahara his colleague
carry on sahara makes it to the end first and he he sees the people
the audience watching him
and kaiji feels something is wrong
and tells sahara not to go
sahara does not listen he opens the window and is blow back by the draft
to his death
now i am feeling like wow he got to the end and he was robbed but his death can save kaiji
who then sees that there is a path which seemed invisible before
is now visible a glass stair case suspended
and with a leap of faith kaiji gets to the top
but he still does not get the money on the grounds that he forfeited
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