you may remark at how the phrase is my ivory tower
why do i call it ebony
for that i could refer to franz fanon black skins white masks
but why a tower and not a skyscraper
i guess it is for those of the archaic
but why a tower
why so lofty
but is it the fault of the one in the tower
or the ones not in towers
one could reply where else would you expect to find one in the process of grasping the beyond
then again one could say why a tower it is stationary horizontally unless it expands
yet i could reply with
i could retort about the three stages
and question if i built this tower or you did
and if it is really a tower at all or but level ground
which questions your positioning
and from my position how could i not but see you in your nakedness
and you see me as sneering
yet the alignment is never questioned
to stoop is suggested but one must have a good back and good knees and dismiss an obsession with cleanliness
whilst recalling marianne williamson
one could theorise on loneliness and idleness and the death of dreams
and the lack of company
all company is bad company except the company of one's equals friedrich nietzsche
so you are served suppression or seclusion
this ends part one
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