i recently saw this clip and had to instantly share it ^^^
for all the ideas and thoughts broiled in talks of self and the other
we often forget that we also are the other
and with technology
we are getting closer to a place of objectively
seeing ourselves
the oldest of these is the mirror
the reflection
for if for a moment imagine a person
who has never used a mirror
never gazed upon a reflective surface
and then is shown a photograph
what would be their response to this stimuli
but that thought experiment aside
the externalized view of the self is getting rounded up
with social media sites reaping the benefit
as did kodak and its polaroid cameras before them
and video cameras putting our motion in its nakedness
giving us the eye of another
the transportation of views
allowing one to critque ones work and ones self
for imagine previous discussions surrounding arts such as
acting and singing
an article could go round in circular motion
but now with tools such as camcorcer
one can critique their movements and use it to train
in control of facial movements and mannerisms
and now we have tape recorders
etching away the chasm between what we hear and what others hear
providing evidence to the tone deaf
and putting us in the shoes of others regarding ourselves as the other
but one thing that has eluded most people
is language
for how do you put yourself in the shoes of someone not understanding your language
yes you can be their by your position of not understanding theirs
but in the video it comes from the path less taken the path of those not understanding your language
and how it sounds to them
and comments spoke out to the eeriness of it all
for how often do you step out of yourself
for many identity is made of their language
and this identity is their self
but it also leads one down the road many would not like to go
the road of the other and a loss of absolutes
perhaps this just the latest of steps for us to externally know ourselves
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